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Access request history for others with idm 4.7.2 Identity App ?


With the new Identity App, the user app administrator can access the request history for other .

According to the documentation a team manager or supervisor  might be able to access history of his team members .

If I set a user as provisioning administrator, he can see request history for other, ok, but he gets access to all configuration options, does not make sense.

But when I create a team, the team manager cannot see request history for anyone ?

Does anyone tried this ?



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    Well i have been searching the same topic. I cannot grant specific rights to access others history.

    The client configuration is disabled for "others history". It can however be overrided with just removing the html disabled attribute on the page which allows you to click on it and set user,groups etc. I do not know the effect of this yet, and I have not tracked the desired rights for this.

    At the moment im trying to use the predefined helpdesk resources, more specific the one called Users-History. This allows in some cases to access the page and see the button "others" on history page.

    However one problem is that the user cannot search and find other users. There are also some interference between the client settings and the helpdesk roles, some of them seem to be overriding the settings of the other.


    So, im still searching the rights required to give a user permissions to view others request history.

    No solution yet, 4.7.3 is still not coming to our users sadly. 

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    I have the same issue. I spend all day trying to find a set of permissions to would show the 'other' tab.

    Only role that displays the tab is "Provisioning Admin", but this role gives way to much permissions.

    I expected making a team requester and giving it a combination of "Provisioning Manager" and the resource "History Access" would make this 'other' tab available. But unfortunately it does not.

    Is it a bug or am I missing something?

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    This is a bug that might be fixed with IDM 4.7.5 in June.

    NetIQ support will provide me a fix for IDM 4.7.4, but I'm not yet upgraded to 4.7.4.

    Hope this help.



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    OUPS, please forgot my answer, I was thinking about another problem .

    This is not a bug.

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