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Is it possible to create custom composite attributes?

With IG 4.2 it is now possible to use the "isManager" subcondition for condition expressions in request policies.

This is a great addition, since before this could only be done by using coverage maps, which might legally qualify as torture.

With this great new addition I am curious, is it possible to create one's own composite attributes to include in such a condition? For one of our customers we have quite a lot of them from the good old IDM dashboard days. While it was very practical to use there, this is now a bit of a problem in IG, since, apart from the default supervisor attributes, there seems to be no way to include those in a request policy condition. Apart from possibly using coverage maps, which I would really like to avoid.

Is there a new solution for this in IG 4.2 as well?

Or has someone with a similar starting point found a viable way to depict this outside of using coverage maps?

  • Verified Answer



    1) It is not possible to create custom Attribute that is of type composite within Identity Governance

    2) If you are in the Requesters -> All Users within a Request Policy, the ability use the expression builder has been available since 3.7.0 for the Off-Cloud customers (3.7.0, 3.7.3, and current 4.2.0). With that, depending upon what one sets on the Attribute (custom or one of the default ones) controls if it appears in the Search control

    Steven Williams
    Principal Enterprise Architect
    OpenText Cybersecurity

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    Hello Steve,

    thank you!

    I am aware of the attribute settings, I was curious specifically about reciprocal relationships depicted in DN's in LDAP like the manager attribute and whether those could be used similarly in IG to gather more information about the connected object.

    Thank you for your answer!

    This is then probably an enhancement request. Or is that already planned?

    Best regards,
