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How to collects accounts and permissions from web service (rest api)


we need to collect accounts and permissions from Dahua App, wich provides a REST API for integration. First we consume an authorization method that return us a token then this token is used for the method getAccounts an getPermissions. In the option Datasource/Application we didn't find a custom rest api call, ¿how can we do this collection?

thanks in advance.

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    To my knowledge a generic REST collector is not planned provided until Identity Governance G 24.2 (4.3) in cloud.

    Until then, you will have to collect the data via a CSV, SCIM JDBC or other generic collector. (using a pre-processor to get the data from the REST interface, or exposing it in one of those formats directly).


    Tor Harald Lothe

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    You can use the collector SDK to write a custom REST collector for this app. Alternatively, you can collect the data through some external means and sync it in (CSV/SCIM/JDBC)
