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Execute fulfillment when the decision is to KEEP access

Is there a way to run an action at the end of an access review when the final decision is to KEEP the access?

The scenario is: I collected information from an exceptions database and, if the decision is KEEP then I want IG to grant that access in IDM through a WF.

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    I don't think it is possible, since a fulfillment will only be triggered if there is a "change". The statement is based on the documentation and my own experience with reviews/fulfillments

    Unfortunately, I don't understand the use case/scenario, so I can't go into more detail.

    I know, under "fufillment configuration/Application setup" there is a way to configure the changeset processing script, maybe this is helpful. But I'm afraid, that this processing script will only be used if IG is detecting a fulfillment (= detecting a change)



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    Can you explain what is in the exceptions database a bit more?   Is this records that show some special access, outside of normal role assignments, and you want IG to confirm that it is correct and they want to keep it in place?  Is there a process to remove the access if they don't keep?
