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Fortify SSC 22.1 UI problems

Anybody else experiencing weird UI problems w/ SSC 22.1? For example, sometimes when I navigate to an app to do audits, the web page continuously reloads itself and never finishes loading. I end up having to leave the page and come back to it to hopefully get it to not go into some infinite loop. Very annoying. Never happened before 22.1, and it happens to me a lot.

  • totally dude - we pulled our upgrade fro 21.2 to 22.1.2 for a plethora of reasons - dont get me wrong - we are getting early drops etc for testing but we kept hitting many issues. So we have stayed on 21.2 and are testing 22.2 extensively.

    Our oddest behaviour has been some interaction between SSO and uploading - if we come in without SSO then user can upload. VIA SSO - often will get a 401.

    When looking (as an admin) at a page I can often be flipped between a previous view and the current one - given this is hard to repro I give up raising this with Fortify Support.

    We had changes to the way plugins work (a fix is coming out for that).

    I see plenty of console errors via F12, images that get 404 -- so WHY look for them SSC? I didnt ask to find it ... and I suspect some of the data queries need limits - it is as if the request is trying to pull ALL the info back - but it will only display say 20 items - so pull the 20 please.

    Finally I find examples where UI can perform and action but API cannot - this is disappointing because I used to tell my users "The new UI is backed by an API".

    Well - not as much as it used to be.

    I think there is a lot of potential for the SSC - but we cannot afford the regressions.

  • totally dude - we pulled our upgrade fro 21.2 to 22.1.2 for a plethora of reasons - dont get me wrong - we are getting early drops etc for testing but we kept hitting many issues. So we have stayed on 21.2 and are testing 22.2 extensively.

    Our oddest behaviour has been some interaction between SSO and uploading - if we come in without SSO then user can upload. VIA SSO - often will get a 401.

    When looking (as an admin) at a page I can often be flipped between a previous view and the current one - given this is hard to repro I give up raising this with Fortify Support.

    We had changes to the way plugins work (a fix is coming out for that).

    I see plenty of console errors via F12, images that get 404 -- so WHY look for them SSC? I didnt ask to find it ... and I suspect some of the data queries need limits - it is as if the request is trying to pull ALL the info back - but it will only display say 20 items - so pull the 20 please.

    Finally I find examples where UI can perform and action but API cannot - this is disappointing because I used to tell my users "The new UI is backed by an API".

    Well - not as much as it used to be.

    I think there is a lot of potential for the SSC - but we cannot afford the regressions.

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