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Fortify SSC 22.1 UI problems

Anybody else experiencing weird UI problems w/ SSC 22.1? For example, sometimes when I navigate to an app to do audits, the web page continuously reloads itself and never finishes loading. I end up having to leave the page and come back to it to hopefully get it to not go into some infinite loop. Very annoying. Never happened before 22.1, and it happens to me a lot.


    I've seen a few quarks as well, but not this specific one.  The biggest impact on SSC UI behavior is going to be the browser you are using and how you are running it.  SSC's web UI makes heavy use of browser side dynamic capabilities.  Can you confirm that your browser is within the recommended guidelines articulated here:


    The browser window size can impact UI behavior.  For example, even if you are within the recommended 1400 x 800 resolution, is your browser view for SSC configured to zoom in?  If so, try resetting to 100% zoom and see if you can reproduce.

    Also, you might try to see if you can reproduce the issue on some other web browser on your same workstation.

    Are any of your peers using SSC, and if so, do any of them see this same behavior?  If not, that might be a basis for isolating the key environmental difference causing your browser to experience this behavior.  And if you can isolate the key environmental trigger and it is something we should supporting, we'd love to hear about it.


    I've seen a few quarks as well, but not this specific one.  The biggest impact on SSC UI behavior is going to be the browser you are using and how you are running it.  SSC's web UI makes heavy use of browser side dynamic capabilities.  Can you confirm that your browser is within the recommended guidelines articulated here:


    The browser window size can impact UI behavior.  For example, even if you are within the recommended 1400 x 800 resolution, is your browser view for SSC configured to zoom in?  If so, try resetting to 100% zoom and see if you can reproduce.

    Also, you might try to see if you can reproduce the issue on some other web browser on your same workstation.

    Are any of your peers using SSC, and if so, do any of them see this same behavior?  If not, that might be a basis for isolating the key environmental difference causing your browser to experience this behavior.  And if you can isolate the key environmental trigger and it is something we should supporting, we'd love to hear about it.
