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Fortify SSC 22.1 UI problems

Anybody else experiencing weird UI problems w/ SSC 22.1? For example, sometimes when I navigate to an app to do audits, the web page continuously reloads itself and never finishes loading. I end up having to leave the page and come back to it to hopefully get it to not go into some infinite loop. Very annoying. Never happened before 22.1, and it happens to me a lot.

  • None of my clients experience this issue.

    I would need more information to troubleshoot.  Is this issue occurring on a specific application version?  What are your tomcat memory settings?  Is your SSC database on Prem or in the cloud?  What is the SSC database size?

  • None of my clients experience this issue.

    I would need more information to troubleshoot.  Is this issue occurring on a specific application version?  What are your tomcat memory settings?  Is your SSC database on Prem or in the cloud?  What is the SSC database size?
