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Fortify SAST Foundations including a Certified Specialist Exam

This Learning Series will be provided in 4 separate lessons that can be taken in sequential order or by choice.

To provide you with the best Learner Experience, we are now offering DIRECT One-click (except for the Exam) to our FREE Fortify Digital Learning offerings. One-click & you can access the material. All we ask is that you fill out the Anonymous Survey at the end of the offering so that we can continue offering you the best Learner Experience possible. Depending on the response (Surveys), this offering might only be available for a limited time?

In this foundations course, you will focus on setup and configuring Fortify SCA with the Fortify SSC (Software Security Center). Plus, you will produce security scans using Fortify Command-Line, Audit Workbench, Scan Wizard, and IDEs (e.g. Visual Studio, Eclipse, and Intellij). Finally, you will review your scan results.

Lesson 1 (Updated): (Free for All) Administering and Using Fortify SAST Lesson One: Configuration of Fortify SSC and Audit Workbench (AWB)

Lesson 2 (Updated): (Free for All) Administering and Using Fortify SAST Lesson Two: Configuring Audit Assistant (AA) in SSC and using Fortify Command Line

Lesson 3 (Updated): (Free for All) Administering and Using Fortify SAST Lesson Three: Utilize Filters in Audit Workbench and Using the Fortify Scan Wizard

Lesson 4 (Updated): (Free for All) Administering and Using Fortify SAST Lesson Four: Installing SCA Plugin in Various IDEs

Specialist Exam (New): (Free for All - LMS) Specialist Exam: Guest Access | Customer Access | Partner Access | Employee Access.  It is recommended that you take the above Lessons in sequential order before taking the exam. These Lessons will also be available in our LMS. The exam consists of 12 random questions. If you pass, you will receive a Specialist badge within 48 hours. Blush