To provide you with the best Learner Experience, we are now offering DIRECT One-click (Quick Access) to our #FREE #Fortify Digital Learning offerings. One-click & you can access the material. All we ask is that you fill out the Anonymous Survey at the end of the offering so that we can continue offering you the best Learner Experience possible. Depending on the response (Surveys), this offering might only be available for a limited time?
We don't force sequential learning, select whatever topics you want to learn; however, we do recommend you take them in sequential order to get the full story
Fortify ScanCentral DAST Integration
Course: Fortify ScanCentral DAST Integration: This course gives you multiple ways to dynamically scan your applications using #Fortify #ScanCentral #DAST to run Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) along with your application development. Learn how to dynamically scan REST APIs within your CI/CD pipelines. Audio is now included. You can access a Topic-Focused
experience of this course, allowing quicker access to information.
Fortify DevSecOps
Course: Fortify DAST Integration with Azure: This course gives you multiple ways to include Fortify DAST into your Azure DevOps. Using the latest version of Fortify, create an efficient DevSecOps that runs Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) along with your application development. Fortify DAST scripts are now listed in the exercises. Audio is now included. You can access a Topic-Focused
experience of this course, allowing quicker access to information. This also provides access to our MotoK-Bot
. MotoK will help you answer your questions, but we need your help to educate MotoK; you can ask MotoK to privately send in questions that cannot be answered & in turn, MotoK will be able to provide those answers shortly.
Course: Fortify SAST Integration with Azure: This course gives you multiple ways to include Fortify SAST into your Azure DevOps. Using the latest version of Fortify, create an efficient DevSecOps that runs Static Application Security Testing (SAST) along with your application development. Fortify scripts are now listed in the exercises. Audio is now included. You can access a Topic-Focused
experience of this course, allowing quicker access to information. This also provides access to our MotoK-Bot
. MotoK will help you answer your questions, but we need your help to educate MotoK; you can ask MotoK to privately send in questions that cannot be answered & in turn, MotoK will be able to provide those answers shortly.
Course: Fortify Integration with GitLab: This course gives you multiple ways to include Fortify into your GitLab DevOps. Using the latest version of Fortify, create an efficient DevSecOps that runs Static Application Security Testing (SAST)and Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) along with your application development. Fortify scripts are now listed in the exercises. Audio is now included. You can access a Topic-Focused
experience of this course, allowing quicker access to information. This also provides access to our MotoK-Bot
. MotoK will help you answer your questions, but we need your help to educate MotoK; you can ask MotoK to privately send in questions that cannot be answered & in turn, MotoK will be able to provide those answers shortly.
Course: Fortify Integration with GitHub: This course gives you multiple ways to include Fortify into your GitHub DevOps to create an efficient DevSecOps that runs Static Application Security Testing (SAST)and Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) along with your application development. Fortify scripts are now listed in the exercises. Audio is now included. You can access a Topic-Focused
experience of this course, allowing quicker access to information. This also provides access to our MotoK-Bot
. MotoK will help you answer your questions, but we need your help to educate MotoK; you can ask MotoK to privately send in questions that cannot be answered & in turn, MotoK will be able to provide those answers shortly.
Course: Fortify WebInspect on Docker: Management has decided to utilize WebInspect Docker containers. You are the security champion, that has been tasked with implementing this product. You will get up to speed with the Docker technology, as well as run dynamic scans through WebInspect in a Lab environment that basically mirrors a Production environment. Audio is included.
Course: Fortify WebInspect OAST: Management has decided to utilize WebInspect OAST. You are the security champion, that has been tasked with implementing this capability. You will get up to speed with the OAST technology, as well as run dynamic scans through WebInspect in a Lab environment that basically mirrors a Production environment. Audio is included.
Fortify on Demand (FoD)
Fortify on Demand (FoD)
Course New: Fortify on Demand SAST DevSecOps: This course follows the workflow of application development for a DevOps team to address application issues discovered by Fortify's security focused insight. This course helps the 'user' run FoD in their DevOps pipelines to include Security early in the SDLC. The focus is around providing simple steps to run Fortify scans in FoD as part of your CI / CD pipelines. This course will showcase FoD DevSecOps integrations with Command-Line and API scripts, plus Azure and Jenkins native plugins, and finally GitHub and GitLab runners. Audio is included
Course (Minor Update): Fortify on Demand DAST – An Introduction: As a tester that uses FoD, in this course, you will learn how to perform DAST scans from the web interface, how to interpret DAST scan results, how to use FoD to help you determine which issues need addressing, how to get guidance on fixing issues, how to create reports and how to create dashboards, etc. Audio
is now included. Not just for text items, but also for ShowMe's.
Course (Minor Update): Fortify on Demand (FoD) Administration: As an administrator of your FoD tenant, in this course, you will learn how to ensure that the tenant has been set up to best fit your needs, that you understand how to administer the tenant and importantly that security policies are in place. This will help you ensure that the various teams in your organization using FoD are able to use it effectively. Audio
is now included. Not just for text items, but also for ShowMe's.
Course (Minor Update): Fortify on Demand (FoD) SAST – an Introduction for Developers: This course follows the application development workflow for a DevOps team to address issues discovered by Fortify. It helps the user run FoD to include Security early in the SDLC. The focus is around providing simple steps to run and analyze Fortify scans in FoD and showcase the ease of use for scanning statically. Audio
is now included. Not just for text items, but also for ShowMe's.
Fortify DAST
Lesson 1: Administering and Using Fortify DAST Lesson One: Setting up the server and Run Basic WebInspect Scans
Lesson 2: Administering and Using Fortify DAST Lesson Two: Workflow-Driven Scan and Macros
Lesson 3: Administering and Using Fortify DAST Lesson Three: API Scanning with WebInspect
Lesson 4: Administering and Using Fortify DAST Lesson Four: Using WebInspect Tools
Lesson 5: Administering and Using Fortify DAST Lesson Five: WebInspect Enterprise Agent IAST
Specialist Exam (New): (Free for All - LMS) Specialist Exam: Guest Access | Customer Access | Partner Access | Employee Access. It is recommended that you take the above Lessons in sequential order before taking the exam. These Lessons will also be available in our LMS. The exam consists of 12 random questions. If you pass, you will receive a Specialist badge within 48 hours.
Fortify SAST
Lesson 1: Fortify SAST Lesson One Updated April 6/2023 Utilization of Fortify Software Security Center (SSC) and Audit Workbench (AWB), now with Audio .
Lesson 2: Fortify SAST Lesson Two Updated April 6/2023 Configuring Audit Assistant (AA) in SSC and using Fortify Command Line, now with Audio .
Lesson 3: Fortify SAST Lesson Three Updated April 6/2023 Utilize Filters in Audit Workbench and Using the Fortify Scan Wizard, now with Audio .
Lesson 4: Fortify SAST Lesson Four Updated April 6/2023 SAST Integration with IDEs and Bug Trackers, now with Audio .
Specialist Exam (Free for All - LMS) Specialist Exam: Guest Access | Customer Access | Partner Access | Employee Access. It is recommended that you take the above Lessons in sequential order before taking the exam. These Lessons will also be available in our LMS. The exam consists of 12 random questions. If you pass, you will receive a Specialist badge within 48 hours.
Lesson 5: Fortify SAST Lesson Five Updated April 28/2023 Fortify SSC & SCA Integration with Jenkins as CI Pipeline, now with Audio .
Lesson 6: Administering and Using Fortify SAST Lesson Six: Integration with Bug Tracking Solutions and Integrating Build Tools, Maven, and Gradle
Lesson 7: Administering and Using Fortify SAST Lesson Seven: Using Fortify Command Line Utilities and Advanced Scanning
Lesson 8: Fortify SAST Lesson Eight New May 10/2023 Fortify SAST Integration with Debricked, now with Audio .
Lesson 9: Administering and Using Fortify SAST Lesson Eight: Installation and Configuration of ScanCentral SAST