• Application Security with Fortify – Get Started - YouTube video

    Micro Focus - HPE Software Published on Feb 8, 2018 Fortify offers end-to-end application security solutions with the flexibility of testing on-premise and on-demand to cover the entire software development lifecycle.
  • Fortify SSC SonarQube Integration - Unplugged YouTube Video

    Fortify SSC SonarQube Integration - Unplugged YouTube Video This episode of MicroFocus Security's new AppSec Unplugged video demonstrates the integration between SonarQube and Fortify Software Security Center....
  • Application Security with Fortify - Integrate into the SDLC - YouTube Video

    Application Security with Fortify - Integrate into the SDLC - YouTube Fortify offers end-to-end application security solutions with the flexibility of testing on-premise and on-demand to cover the entire software development lifecycle....
  • WebInspect Deep Dive videos

    This is a series of Deep Dive videos recorded by Fortify Support to dig into select WebInspect issues or additional features. If you prefer to watch this entire series as a single video, that can be found here: http://youtu.be/BhzuengiBiM We apologize…
  • WebInspect Introduction videos

    This is a series of videos recorded by Fortify Support to introduce the WebInspect product to new users. If you prefer to watch this entire series as a single video, that can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFAdsGsDWbo We apologize for…
  • Fortify Unplugged - 8 video learning sessions

    See YouTube channel to access videos 1 Fortify Unplugged Webinar – Single Page Applications HPE Software 2 Fortify Unplugged Webinar – Setting up and using Audit Assistant HPE Software 3 Fortify Unplugged Webinar…
  • Software Security Assurance with Higher-order functions using HP Fortify

    Higher-order features such as lambdas exist ubiquitously in web applications and frameworks. They make development easier, but at a cost of added complexity and exposure to high risk vulns and attacks. However, statically ruling out such vulnerabilities…