• Gitlab CI integration

    Hi Teams, Im looking some latest guide for integrate Fortify onpremises SC SAST with Gitlab CI onpremies. Find template from gitlab but its very different. I have some problem when running pipeline, the issue is still persist "Authentication failed…
  • Fcli unable to create sc-sast session

    Hello, i'm trying to integrate Fortify SSC into my gitlab pipeline but i didn't work for me. this is my pipeline script : fortify-sast-scancentral : image : fortifydocker/fortify-ci-tools:latest variables : SC_SAST_SENSOR_VERSION : '23.1'…
  • What is the meaning of this error: Stream out of sync ?

    I have tried to run Gitlab CI/CD and push package.zip to FoD. However, I encountered the error "Stream out of sync". And I couldn't found any documentation related to this error message. Could anyone tell what is the meaning of this error? Thank…
  • Fortify sca via GitLab is giving warnings for python 3rd party library imports, which are installed via pip/whl, as the library files are not available in source code?

    Fortify sca via GitLab is giving warnings for python 3rd party library imports, which are installed via pip/whl, as the library files are not available in source code. What is the solution for this? Is there any way to install python3 and pip libs in…
  • Scan Central Error

    Good Evening, URLS and such have been changed for anonymity. We have SSC Setup and we have the ScanCentral Controller setup but getting the following error when trying to scan using gitlab templates. This is the log file that is generated. 2023…
  • GitLab Fortify SAST Integration : Scan Requests indefinitely pending.

    Hello, I am currently building integration of Fortify CI/CD tools and GitLab for the purpose of introducting Sec/Ops into our build pipelines(Fortify SAST on-prem) I have SSC, ScanCentral controller and a SCA Sensor running and all communicating with…
  • Export FortifyScan.csv Results to GitLab Artifacts

    Hey everyone, I am trying to output the scan results in csv format into my GitLab artifacts. As of now I can successfully push the fortifyscan-metrics.json to the GitLab artifacts, but what I really want is the FortifyResults.csv. Currently I can…
  • ScanCentral SAST and GitLab integration

    Hello, I'm trying to integrate GitLab with ScanCentral SAST. If the property allow_insecure_clients_with_empty_token is set to true and client_auth_token is empty it works but if I try to set a plain text password I get the following error: Authentication…
  • Gitlab CI Failed Connection to Scancentral

    Hi Everyone, today I'm trying to start a scan via gitlab and scancentral. but when I run the script I always get an authentication error, and I have entered the ScanCentralCtrl Token correctly. here's the error message : Log files will be stored…
  • RE: GitLab CI and ScanCentral

    Hi all! I see that someone else has met a similar problem. I managed to solve it with this way. That works for me in 20.1 1. My gitlab-ci.yml fortify-sast-scancentral: image: fortifydocker/fortify-ci-tools:1.0.0 variables: SCANCENTRAL_BUILD_OPTS:…