SSC 24.2 - Increased LOC - Causing the loads of artfacts waiting for approval for upload - is there option to bulk approval

Hi All,

  We have migrated to fortify SSC 24.2 and scans to SCA 24.2

Now with this as documented in SSC 24.2 Total LOC code has increased. This is causing all projects artifacts upload waiting for approval as  change in LOC is more than 10%.

If there a way to bulk approve the artifacts  waiting for approval or is there a way to temporarily disable this rules processing for approval requirement?

  • 0

    I tried the following in backend. But artifact remains in Scheduled for Processing status .

    update artifact
    set status ='SCHED_PROCESSING',
    approvalcomment='approved because of change in LOC with SCA 24.2'
    where  PROJECTVERSION_ID=1108542201
    and status ='REQUIRE_AUTH'
    and artifacttype='FPR'

    Any idea if we need to set the artifact to any other status? or force SSC to start processing it?