I'm using Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.40 and Fortify 22.2.2 for windows. I have my license file installed.
For some reason after I select a project on the right, I still can't access Analyze Solution as the menu item is greyed out. Any ideas?
DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
I'm using Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.40 and Fortify 22.2.2 for windows. I have my license file installed.
For some reason after I select a project on the right, I still can't access Analyze Solution as the menu item is greyed out. Any ideas?
In Visual Studio, you have to open a project or solution in order for these options to be available. If you choose the option to open a folder, these values will be greyed out.
Instead of highlighting the project or solution, you must open the project or solution.