Hi, I am using a /projectVersions/{parentId}/issues/action/audit API but there is a conflict error, it worked once.
I'm using priority override for this audit. For example, I have a vulnerability category whose criticality I need to change.
I'm making a script that takes all the questions and changing the priority based on the category, but in the first test changing the criticality,
I can't perform any more audits due to this API conflict error, but within the SSC audit page it works.
Conflict error:
{ "message": "Conflict detected! There is a newer revision of one or more of the selected issues on the server. Please refresh your issues and resubmit your audit", "responseCode": 409, "errorCode": -12109 }
2024-08-02 16:23:23,588 /ssc/api/v1/projectVersions/6/issues/action/audit [ERROR] com.fortify.manager.logging.ExceptionInterceptor - Intercepted exception of type [com.fortify.manager.exception.FMIssueAuditConflictException] thrown by target class [com.fortify.manager.BLL.impl.core.ProjectVersionIssuesCoreChildBLLImpl] and method [public com.fortify.server.platform.types.IssueActionResponse com.fortify.manager.BLL.impl.core.ProjectVersionIssuesCoreChildBLLImpl.executeAction(java.lang.Long,com.fortify.server.platform.shared.resources.ApiCollectionAction,com.fortify.server.platform.shared.util.ApiRequestInfo)]
com.fortify.manager.exception.FMIssueAuditConflictException: Conflict detected! There is a newer revision of one or more of the selected issues on the server. Please refresh your issues and resubmit your audit
at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$WrappingRunnable.run(TaskThread.java:61) [tomcat-util.jar:9.0.85]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:840) [?:?]
2024-08-02 16:23:23,695 /ssc/api/v1/projectVersions/6/issues/action/audit [WARN] com.fortify.server.platform.shared.spring.RestApiExceptionHandlerAdvice - com.fortify.manager.exception.FMIssueAuditConflictException: Conflict detected! There is a newer revision of one or more of the selected issues on the server. Please refresh your issues and resubmit your audit [url: /ssc/api/v1/projectVersions/6/issues/action/audit]
Command Used:
curl -X POST "http://$URLSSC/ssc/api/v1/projectVersions/4/issues/action/audit" \
-H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: FortifyToken $TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{
\"comment\": \"\", \"customTagAudit\": [ { \"comment\": \"Test\", \
\"dateValue\": \"$DATE\", \"customTagGuid\": \"$CustomTagGuid\", \
\"decimalValue\": 25 } ], \"issues\": [ {\"id\": $ISSUEID, \"revision\": 1} ], \
\"suppressed\": false, \"user\": \"\"}"