uploadFPR -file scan.fpr -application crmgmt-medicaidrulestau -applicationVersion release Unknown content type 'text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1'

F:\Jenkins\workspace\CI-Jobs\ci_jdk17_mvn_external_app_job_run>fortifyclient -url https://localhost:xxxl/ssc -authtoken **** uploadFPR -file scan.fpr -application crmgmt-medicaidrulestau -applicationVersion release Unknown content type 'text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1'

An internal error has occurred.
(org.springframework.ws.soap.axiom.AxiomSoapMessageCreationException: Unknown content type 'text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1')

Getting this error on SSC 24.2 version any comments on this issue ?

  • Suggested Answer


    As the error mentions SOAP, my recommendation would be to use REST. Per the What's New documentation - www.microfocus.com/.../index.htm

    Replacing SOAP fortifyclient with REST fortifyclient

    In an effort to further secure your Fortify Software Security Center deployment, Fortify is phasing out SOAP fortifyclient and replacing it with REST fortifyclient. In this release, SOAP fortifyclient remains the default, but REST fortifyclient is available to you.

    The file names for both utilities are the same, but the files are in different directories. The SOAP fortifyclient files are in <ssc_install_dir>/Tools/fortifyclient/bin and the REST fortifyclient files are in <ssc_install_dir>/Tools/fortifyclient-new-rest/bin.

    To improve security and prepare for the eventual deprecation of SOAP-based fortifyclient, Fortify strongly recommends disabling SOAP and testing the REST version of fortifyclient in your testing environment. Report any lack of parity or functionality as soon as possible.

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    In my case, I am using fortifyclient version 23.2 and SSC version 24.4 with soap.api.disabled=false, and I am still encountering the error. What should I do?

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    My recommendation would be to open a ticket with Fortify Support.