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eDirectory Tips & Information
3D Log Viewer v 1.11.1
ACL Reset Version 5.0
Add missing uniqueID attribute
An incomplete look at Enhanced Background Authentication
An OS X Login Hook for Novell Networks
Another Workaround for ConsoleOne Templates
Assigning a Universal Password Policy with a Simple-Password User
Audit and Multiple eDirectory 8.8 Instances
Audit Platform Agent for non-root eDirectory server
Authenticating Macintosh OS X machines to eDirectory via Kanaka
Auto Tree Name Generation for Unattended Installation of Windows eDirectory 8.8 SP6
Automated eDirectory Basic Health Check
Automated Scheduled Health Check report showing Driver and eDirectory Status
Automatic network configuration and eDirectory configuration for bootable VMware images
Automatically Setting Passwords on Driver Match
Avoiding NICI Problems with OES Installs
Avoiding SNMP Support Error in eDirectory
Backing Up and Restoring the eDirectory Tree with NICI Using DSBK on Linux
Backing Up Third-Party Rules
Backups of Multi-Instance eDirectory on Linux
Base64 Encode/Decode
Basic Troubleshooting Tips for eDirectory on Linux
Bidirectional Driver for eDirectory - Some hints and workarounds
Bidirectional Driver for eDirectory - Working with DN Attributes
Bidirectional eDirectory driver - Dealing with a strange error
Calculate Replication Time
certfetcher - The easy way to grab public key certificates from available HTTPS, LDAPS, and other
Check Certificate Expiration Perl Script
Check ZLM assignment integrity between eDirectory object store and postgresql data store
CloudAccess Dynamic Groups
Compiling FLAIM on OS X
Configuration and Authentication for Proxy Squid
Configure FreeRADIUS with eDirectory CRL for revoking certificates
Configure Password for eDirectory Users
Configuring a Biometric Device to Enable NMAS Authentication for Novell eDirectory
Considerations in Recreating a Certificate Authority
Console2 v2.7
ConsoleOne or eDirectory - Which First?
Convert Windows Specific Makefile to DSW and DSP File
Core File Deletor
Counting Users per Container
Creating New Notes Users using the Unique Org Unit
Creating/Modifying Groups using an LDAP Command Line
Cross-platform (Java) Universal Password Retrieval Utility
Customer Case: Identity Manager and eDirectory reducing administrative workload by at least 60 percent
Dealing with GroupType Fields in Notes
Deconfiguring and Uninstalling the SLAPI/Character Substitution Plug-in for eDirectory
Determining the Type of Directory Server on a Remote System
Directory Cloner
Directory Server Scanner
DNSBrowse 2.08.04
Documenting eDirectory/LDAP Schema
dra powershell command to change grouptype from global to Universal
DSBrowse High Value Reporter
DSImport - Win32 Tool to Update eDirectory from CSV Files
DSMETER for NetWare
DSRAZOR for eDirectory/NDS and NetWare
DSTApp v1.3.2 - Notify Users About Expired Passwords by Email
Dynamic Groups and the RBE Driver
eDir to eDir Connections in Designer
eDir Transaction ID Finder
eDirectory 8.8 SP3 Unattended Uninstallation on Windows
eDirectory 8.8 SP3 Unattended Upgrade and Uninstallation on UNIX
eDirectory 8.8 SP6 Unattended Deconfiguration and Uninstallation on Windows
eDirectory 8.8 SP6 XDAS Audit to File
eDirectory 8.8 SP6 XDAS Audit to Syslog
eDirectory Administration 9.x Education Course
eDirectory and Case Sensitive LDAP Passwords
eDirectory and SNMP - Down and Dirty
eDirectory attributes needed for Teaming Conferencing Login
eDirectory Collisioned Object Finder v1.0
eDirectory Conversion: root to non-root instances
eDirectory Disaster Recovery
eDirectory Object ACL and Class Analysis
eDirectory object timestamp tool
eDirectory on Multiple NICs
eDirectory Partitions/Replicas Viewer
eDirectory Password Chainsaw
eDirectory PKI Server Cookbook
eDirectory Quirks: /etc/init.d/ndsd and the instances.0 file
eDirectory Radiazer 2 for GUI Management of Radius Users and Profiles
eDirectory Radiazer for Managing eDirectory Users and Radius Profiles
eDirectory Reconfiguration on OES2 SP2 Server
eDirectory Restoration – A Case of Perfect Replication of a Change
eDirectory supportconfig plugin
edirmon - NWMON-like eDirectory monitor for Linux
Elapsed Time 4.1.6
Email Photos of Users in eDirectory via IDM
Enabling Entitlements for the eDirectory Driver(s) without In-the-box Entitlements
Entitlements vs. Attribute Changes
Essay Contest Winner: Why I Love eDirectory
Expire Accounts Not Used in 30 Days
Expiring Passwords En Masse
File Migration (Cleanup) Utility
Fileusage v2.1.0
Finding the eDirectory Patch Version in Windows
Flushb on OES2 Linux
freeRADIUS 2.1.8 on SLES 10 with eDirectory Integration
General Availability Release: eDirectory 9.2.7 | 9/16/22
General Availability Release: eDirectory 9.2.8 | May 31, 2023
General Availability Release: Identity Console 1.6 - Patch release within eDirectory
General Availability Release: NetIQ eDirectory 9.2.6
Generating Random Passwords for User Creation
Get NDS Name
Getting Additional Stunnel Logs via SSL VPN
Getting FreeRadius 1.1.4 Running with eDirectory on SLES 10
Getting started with eDirectory LDAP Transactions
Getting Updated Passwords in NSL
Google Password Sync Script
Group Fix Tool
GroupWise 18 iManager plugin now on the GroupWise download page in SLD
Half Day Hands-On Workshop at TTP EMEA Munich: Domain Services for Windows - Upgrade and Troubleshooting, Feb 28th
Handling eDirectory core-files on Linux
How to access / modify the eDirectory data over the terminal by using ldapvi
How to avoid Decoding Error: sun/io/ByteToCharConverter with JDK 1.8, iManager 2.7.x
How to create docker containers with exclusive access to a non-root user
How to do an offline DIB Clone
How to gather useful Information from eDirectory log
How to NAT with eDirectory
How to use the HP Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) with eDirectory
How to use the LDAP Extended DN Control with LDAP classes for Java
IDM AD Driver PWFilter.dll updater INF
IDM Designer 3.5 eDirectory Browser View runs in non-blocking mode
IDM Driver Monitoring Solution
IDM eDirectory/LDAP Synchronization Checker
Importing an OU Structure from Excel
Importing Encrypted Passwords Into eDirectory
Improve eDirectory Disk on Azure
Improve eDirectory Disk IO on Azure
Improve eDirectory Disk IO Subsystem with LVM Stripe and XFS
Improved LDAP Search Tree for eDirectory 8.8 and IDM 3.5, Part 1
Installing and Configuring subversion-server and apache2 with LDAP authentication against eDirectory
Integrating Cisco Unified Call Manager versions 5 and 6 with eDirectory
Integrating Cisco Unified Communications Manager version 7 with eDirectory
iPrint-like Printer Maps for NDPS Environments
Kanaka Troubleshooting
Knowledge Doc: "LDAP:error code 65 - NDS error: Illegal attribute(-608)" error occurred when modifying/deleting attribute
Knowledge Doc: Cannot remove obituary object with -601 error by clicking "Release Move Entry"
Knowledge Doc: Configuration steps to reuse any previous passwords except last three passwords
Knowledge Doc: eDir was overloaded with limited connection slots available to service requests
Knowledge Doc: eDirectory 9.2 - fails installing with -634 error
Knowledge Doc: Error "-222" occurred when trying to login as admin using iManager
Knowledge Doc: Error -626 occurred when logging to the eDirectroy server which does not have any replica using iManager
Knowledge Doc: Error log location for Identity Console
Knowledge Doc: History of Issues Resolved in eDirectory 9.x
Knowledge Doc: How do we change eDirectory server name?
Knowledge Doc: ice.exe for eDirectory 9.2.7 crashed when importing a specific LDIF file
Knowledge Doc: Identity Console (IC) "Login Failure. Connection refused" seen when attempting to login
Knowledge Doc: Identity Console - Invalid format when adding DNS Subject Alternative Name which contains a number in any location except the first delimited field.
Knowledge Doc: Identity Console in languages other than English CANNOT display the date icon to change the validity period for a certificate.
Knowledge Doc: Intruder Detection counter in eDirectory
Knowledge Doc: ldapsearch2csv
Knowledge Doc: ndsrepair -E shows -625 error or -626 error
Knowledge Doc: ndstrace error: "Implied anonymous bind by operation 0x2:0x63 on connection" during authentication
Knowledge Doc: Schema cannot be extended when EBA is enabled and failed with error code -669
Knowledge Doc: Two ways to determine eDirectory's checkpoint runtime
Knowledge Doc: Unable to initialize Identity Manager services after upgrade to eDirectory 9.2.7
Knowledge Document: Assign a default Server IP Address to Identity Console (IDC)
Knowledge Document: Blocking of eDirectory by DSAVRSetOperation due to prolonged DIB Write Log
Knowledge Document: Cannot change master replica in eDirectory 9.x environment
Knowledge Document: Certificate Authority CRL creation showing port 80 for http CRL Distribution Points
Knowledge Document: DSAgentOpenLocal Failed, Illegal Transaction Operation (-772)
Knowledge Document: eDirectory objects with objectclass “Unknown”
Knowledge Document: eDirectory shows two master replica servers for the same partition
Knowledge Document: Identity Console Workstation on Windows is restricted to listen on port 9000 only
Knowledge Document: ndsconfig return value = 65 while running ndsconfig upgrade command
Knowledge Document: Unable to create a Certificate Authority
Knowledge Document: Unable to start eDirectory after upgrading RHEL from 7.9 to 8.10
Knowledge Document: What are the minimum eDirectory rights to gather information from cn=monitor via LDAP
lastlogin - Generate Report Based on Last Login Time
LDAP Attribute Remover Tool
LDAP Authentication Against eDirectory for the Apache Neanderthal
LDAP Bulk Attribute Update Tool
LDAP Console
LDAP Event Monitoring
LDAP for "Dummies"
LDAP Monitoring Using ldapaudit_client for Testing
LDAP Password Expiry Notification Application for MAC OSX
LDAP Server Side Sort (SSS) Control
LDAP2CSV for LDAP bind testing
Ldapsearch Wrapper
ldiftosch - Convert LDAP Schema into Novell SCH Format
Linking eDir Drivers in Designer
Listing Home Directories for Deleted Users
Listing Users with Universal Passwords
Local AIX Authentication using LDAP and eDirectory 8.8.2
Looking up the last Modification Timestamp for an attribute in eDirectory
Lotus Notes: Adding Group Membership during "Add User"
Managing AD Group Placement
Managing eDirectory Indexes
Manifest Embedding Tool
Mapping CN to Full Name with the Notes Driver
Mass Data Addition for Existing eDirectory Users
MassUser (HomesPlus)
Migrating Users from AD to the ID Vault
Monitor Identity Manager - eDirectory Driver Synchronization with Nagios
Monitoring eDirectory Performance
Mounting or Sharing Directories for eDirectory on Solaris
Nagios eDirectory Obituaries Check
Nagios eDirectory Obituary Check
Nagios eDirectory Obituary Check updated to v1.4
Nagios eDirectory Partition Continuity Check
Nagios eDirectory Partition Continuity Check updated to v1.2
Nagios eDirectory Status Check
Nagios eDirectory Time Check
Nagios eDirectory Time Check updated to v1.1
NCS Volume Resource Validation Tool
NDS ACL List Copy
NDS Automatic Health Check, Repair, and Report
NDS Snoop
NDSD Command Options in SystemD
NDSD Process Monitor
ndsd-multi : a way to start multiple eDirectory instances simultaneously in Linux
ndsPacketTrace Script
NDSRC - A Cross-Platform eDirectory/NICI Backup Tool
NDSRepair for UNIX Menu Wrapper
NetIQ Identity Console 1.7 | 5/31/23
NetWare Stats Utility
Novell eDirectory DR Partitioning
Novell Visio Stencils -GroupWise/Clustering/eDirectory
Office User Information
On-demand session: eDirectory Performance Tuning and Troubleshooting
Open Call for useful ECMA functions to use in Identity Manager
OpenSSL Toolkit
Options for Securing an eDirectory Tree
PASSChg 3.0
Passing Domain/Username via Net Use
PKI Auto-Enrollment for Novell eDirectory
PKI Certificate Expiry Reporter
Placing DNs in Multi-Valued Attributes
Printing the NDS Tree
Pushing Passwords from NetWare to Windows
PWM v1.6.0
Quick fix for -625/-626 error code when executing ndsrepair
Removing Rights for Home Directory Users
Response: Tracking Admin Passwords
Restoring eDirectory with Dsrepair -rc and Dsrepair -$du
Rights, Inherited Rights, and Standards Support - A story of troubleshooting Cisco application support with eDirectory
RootDSE Search on eDirectory
Running a Driver Script after AD Account Creation
Running Multiple eDirectory Trees on SUSE 9
Sample Code - LDAPNetAddr (Updated)
Sample Code: Paging Searches in eDirectory, via LDAP
Scheduled Backup of Clustered Multiple eDirectory Instances with dsbk
Script to Check eDirectory 8.8 Health on Linux
Securing NICI keys using eDirectory Server
Selectively Placing Users, from Flat to Hierarchical
Setting eDirectory ACL Entries with IDM
Setting eDirectory LDAP trace level using LDAP
Setting the UniqueID on eDirectory Users
Setting the UniqueID on eDirectory Users (1774918)
Setting Up a Business Continuity Cluster (BCC) in a Single eDirectory Tree Using OES 2 Linux Servers
Setting up eDirectory to eDirectory Drivers using Identity Manager 3.5
Setting Up UIDs in iManager based on CN Values
Simple LDAP Management Tool, works with eDirectory from Linux
Simple Password Self-Service
Simplified Install of Certificate/Trusted Root on Workstations
Stripping Data from Attributes, AD to eDirectory
Subtree Search Performance in eDirectory
Switching eDirectory 8.8 to a Non-Root User
Synching Multiple Address Books in Lotus Notes with eDirectory
Synchronize Google Apps passwords with eDirectory passwords using a script and free tools
Synchronizing eDirectory and Oracle Internet Directory
System Generated Indexes in eDirectory
Technical Insight Series: Disaster Recovery for eDirectory, Presentation and Recording now available!
Technical Insight Series: eDirectory – Performance Tuning and Troubleshooting, Presentation and Recording now available
Technical Insight Series: How to ensure to always know the status of accounts, objects and/or users in NetIQ eDirectory, June 8
Technical Insight Series: Identity Console, Presentation and Recording now available!
Technical Insight Series: Introduction to NetIQ eDirectory, June 7
Technical Insight Series: NetIQ eDirectory as a Core Service, June 8
Technical Insight Series: Update your testing and development environment in no time, June 15
The Ultimate guide to keeping your eDirectory tree clean of stuck obituaries on OES2 Linux and SLES
TKInfo Tool
Tool for Upgrading or Patching eDirectory 8.8 Non-Root Build
Transparent Squid authentication with SquidTrust III
Troubleshooting pam_ldap Against eDirectory Issues
Troubleshooting SSL Certificate Issues with the eDir-eDir Driver
Troubleshooting Synchronization in Identity Manager Installations
Trustee Rights Task
Uninstalling eDirectory 8.7.3 Patches in Windows
Uninstalling NICI Keys, to Successfully install eDirectory 8.8 in Windows 2003
UniqueID Check v1.0
Universal Password Performance Impact by Excluded Passwords
Universal Password Policy Change GUI Tool
Universal Password Retrieval Utility
UP Policy Creation and Assignment
Updated DNS / DHCP Console for OS X ( Apple Macintosh )
Updated List of Accepted Solutions, February 10
UserKVYlist v2.0.0
Using Custom Notes Fields in IDM
Using Yubico YubiKey with eDirectory for two-factor authentication
Walking through the Bidirectional eDirectory Driver - Part 1
Walking through the Bidirectional eDirectory Driver - Part 2
Walking through the Bidirectional eDirectory Driver – Part 3
Walking through the Bidirectional eDirectory Driver – Part 4
Walking through the Bidirectional eDirectory Driver – Part 5
Walking through the Bidirectional eDirectory Driver – Part 6
Webinar at TTP conference: Identity Console – Features and functionality, July 18
Webinar at TTP event: eDirectory Performance Tuning and Troubleshooting, July 17
Webinar: eDirectory Tuning & Troubleshooting, March 25 - Technical Session
Working with eDirectory Containers and Active Directory
Workshop Session at the TTP EMEA Munich: eDirectory 9.3: A Sneak Peak into the most secure version yet, Feb 25th
Workshop Session at the TTP EMEA Munich: Identity Roadmap, Feb 25th
Workshop Session at the TTP EMEA, Amberg, Germany : Fortifying the Foundations: The Imperative of Auditing and Securing eDirectory and NSS File Systems, May 13th
Workshop session at TTP Asia 2024, Bangalore: eDirectory 9.3: A Sneak Peak into the most secure version yet, Dec 2nd
XDAS Auditing for Successful and Failed Login Events
Open Call for useful ECMA functions to use in Identity Manager
Creation Date
Revision Author
Current Revision
2021-4-20 4:16 PM
Geoffrey Carman
View current version