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eDirectory - core configuration failed


I am trying to install eDirectory 9.1 on a Windows Server 2016 Standard but the configuration fails. I am running the installer and everything looks fine but at the end it says "Configuring eDirectory - Core configuration failed". I can not find what is wrong and have tried to look at the log-files for answers.

This is information from EConfig.log :

2019-10-29 16:15:41: Starting NetIQ eDirectory configuration
2019-10-29 16:15:41: Following response file C:\NetIQ\eDirectory\
2019-10-29 16:15:41: Selected component = Preconfig
2019-10-29 16:15:41: Handling Component Preconfig
2019-10-29 16:15:41: Starting Preconfig configuration
2019-10-29 16:15:41: Starting Preconfig operations
2019-10-29 16:15:41: Modifying attribute of C:\NetIQ\eDirectory\
2019-10-29 16:15:41: Modifying attribute of C:\NetIQ\eDirectory\
2019-10-29 16:15:41: Completing Preconfig configuration succeeded
2019-10-29 16:15:41: NetIQ eDirectory configuration succeeded

2019-10-29 16:15:42: Starting NetIQ eDirectory configuration
2019-10-29 16:15:42: Following response file C:\NetIQ\eDirectory\
2019-10-29 16:15:42: Selected component = NICI
2019-10-29 16:15:42: Handling Component NICI
2019-10-29 16:15:42: Starting NICI configuration
2019-10-29 16:15:43: Completing NICI configuration succeeded
2019-10-29 16:15:43: NetIQ eDirectory configuration succeeded

2019-10-29 16:15:43: Starting NetIQ eDirectory configuration
2019-10-29 16:15:43: Following response file C:\NetIQ\eDirectory\
2019-10-29 16:15:43: Selected component = OpenSLP
2019-10-29 16:15:44: Handling Component OpenSLP
2019-10-29 16:15:44: Starting OpenSLP configuration
2019-10-29 16:15:45: Completing OpenSLP configuration succeeded
2019-10-29 16:15:45: NetIQ eDirectory configuration succeeded

2019-10-29 16:15:45: Starting NetIQ eDirectory configuration
2019-10-29 16:15:46: Following response file C:\NetIQ\eDirectory\
2019-10-29 16:15:46: Selected component = Core
2019-10-29 16:15:46: Handling Component Core
2019-10-29 16:15:46: Starting Core configuration
arg5 = DSI_SERVER_NAME = "= >> C:\NetIQ\eDirectory\\NDSInstall.log
arg9 = DSI_HTTPPORTS = "= >> C:\NetIQ\eDirectory\\NDSInstall.log
ConfigCore.exe : The syntax of the command is incorrect.
At line:1 char:1
& C:\NetIQ\eDirectory\ConfigCore.exe -r $rfile; $exec_status = $LastE ...
CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (The syntax of the command is incorrect.:String) [], RemoteException
FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

2019-10-29 16:16:48: Core configuration failed with -1
2019-10-29 16:16:48: NetIQ eDirectory configuration failed -1


Does anyone have any idea of what this problem could be?

  • 0
    I'm experiencing a similar problem installing edir 9.2.3 on Windows 2019, the error is :
    2/4/2021 4:33:15 PM: Starting NetIQ eDirectory configuration
    2/4/2021 4:33:15 PM: Following response file D:\NetIQ\eDirectory\
    2/4/2021 4:33:15 PM: Selected component = Core
    2/4/2021 4:33:15 PM: Handling Component Core
    2/4/2021 4:33:15 PM: Starting Core configuration
    ConfigCore.exe : Access is denied.
    At line:1 char:1
    & D:\NetIQ\eDirectory\ConfigCore.exe -r $rfile; $exec_status = $LastE ...
    CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (Access is denied.:String) [], RemoteException
    FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

    2/4/2021 4:34:18 PM: Core configuration failed with -1
    2/4/2021 4:34:18 PM: NetIQ eDirectory configuration failed -1

    Did you fix this issue ?


  • Suggested Answer


    I know this is a delayed response but might help someone if the same error occurs:

    If the password of the Admin account of the existing Tree contains an ampersand (&) the installation will fail. I've seen this issue with eDirectory versions 9.2.4 and 9.2.5 and 9.2.6 and 9.2.7

    The following log might have more details regarding the error:

    EPreValidator.log in the directory: C:\Program Files\NetIQ\eDirectory\logs

    When testing with 9.2.4 the EPreValidator.log contained the following error:

    16/03/2023 11:35:39:  Will check only the user credentials

    ndscheck failed with At line:1 char:189

    + ... rogram Files\NetIQ\eDirectory\logs\ndscheck.log' -w password& -q -l;  ...

    +                                                                 ~

    The ampersand (&) character is not allowed. The & operator is reserved for future use; wrap an ampersand in double quotation marks ("&") to pass it as part of a string..Exception.Message

    16/03/2023 11:35:39:  CheckHealth returned with 46194213

    I did not see this error in the EPreValidator.log with 9.2.7, the installation proceeded until an error message was displayed: "Core configuration failed"

  • 0   in reply to   
    If the password of the Admin account of the existing Tree contains an ampersand (&) the installation will fail. I've seen this issue with eDirectory versions 9.2.4 and 9.2.5 and 9.2.6 and 9.2.7

    Hi Greg,

    I encountered this or a similar issue in May 2021. I opened Case Number: 00539693 - DSfW provisioning fails when administrator password contains an ampersand.

    Description: Open Enterprise Server 2018 SP2 / Domain Services for Windows / Administration Guide / May 2020 / 5.14 Supported Special Characters in DSfW Passwords - "You may use the following special characters while specifying passwords for eDirectory tree administrator or domain administrator during DSfW install:/ * ? $ ( ) - { } [ ] ~ & ^ % @"

    Engineering resolved my issue and some other issues involving special characters in passwords so I was surprised to see your post.

    The OES 2023: Domain Services for Windows Administration Guide states:

    Supported Special Characters in DSfW Passwords
    You may use the following special characters while specifying passwords for eDirectory tree administrator or domain administrator or users during DSfW install:

    / * ? $ ( ) - { } [ ] ~ & ^ % @

     Have you confirmed with Engineering whether this is a current issue and, if so, what happened to the fix they provided three years ago?

    Kevin Boyle, SuperUser

    Calgary, Alberta, Canada

  • 0   in reply to   
    Have you confirmed with Engineering whether this is a current issue and, if so, what happened to the fix they provided three years ago?

     Can you confirm if this is still an issue?

    Kevin Boyle, SuperUser

    Calgary, Alberta, Canada

  • 0   in reply to   

    Hi Kevin,

    For DSfW the issue with special characters has been fixed and fixes were released in 2021 for OES2018.1 Update 12 and OES2018.2 Update 5 onwards but the issue I mentioned is related to eDirectory installations on Windows Server - Existing Tree installations. If the password contains an Ampersand the installation will fail with the message "Core configuration failed".

    If the installation is a new Tree and the Admin password contains an Ampersand the installation will succeed. Special characters including the Ampersand are supported for eDirectory but the Ampersand issue appears to be related to eDirectory Existing Tree installations, it might be related to the response file that is created during the installer process.

    I'm going to submit a defect for this issue after I test some scenarios.

  • 0   in reply to   
    the issue I mentioned is related to eDirectory installations on Windows Server - Existing Tree installations

    Hi Greg,

    Thank you for the clarification.

    I'm going to submit a defect for this issue after I test some scenarios.

    Greatly appreciated...

    Kevin Boyle, SuperUser

    Calgary, Alberta, Canada

  • 0   in reply to   

    The issue with the admin passwords for the existing Tree is not only related to ampersands but other special and specific characters also cause the installation to fail. I tested passwords with the < and > characters and that caused the installation to fail. Interestingly, a password that contains a ? succeeded, the issue appears to be related to certain special characters.

    I've submitted defect OCTCR28R659016 for this issue.