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RBPM trust root container certificate expired - User getting 'SAML authentication is not setup properly'

Hi Experts,

Our RBPM trusted root container certificate will be expiring on Jan 29 this year.

But somehow user started to face the userapp access issue  - Identity Manager authentication is not correctly configured or Identity Manager to eDirectory SAML communication is not functioning correctly

I got this MF forum which contain the steps to renew it - Identity Manager authentication is not correctly configured or Identity Manager to eDirectory SAML communication is not functioning correctly (

But the above link didn't mention about the pre activity which has to be done and the post activities.

Once after doing this step (change eDirectory SAML configuration from No change to Auto) do we need to update any file or update any keystore file like tomcat.ks and idm.jks??

I'm sure on the step: Restart tomcat after renewing the certificate.

This will regenerate the expired RBPM certificate located under Security > RBPMTrustedRootContainer - If it is generated a new certificate, how we can validate it??

Upon renewing the RBPM trust root container certificate for PROD server, will it be reflected in DR servers also or we need to make the changes in DR severs also.

We are little bit confused on this part...I didn't not cert renewal but this seems to be a different one.

I'm expecting the suggestion on this... Thanks in Advance!!

S Vignesh