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Success Story: NetIQ Data Access Governance automates unstructured data management and secure data access for 20,000 users


Challenge: Manage billions of unstructured data files held in multiple locations throughout the world to comply with data security regulations.

Incorporating unstructured data in an intelligent identity management framework

The nature of this customer’s business means that it generates huge amounts of data, much of it unstructured and diverse. Data is spread across multiple data centers throughout the world and represents all departments of the company. With nearly 20,000 users as part of a dynamic workforce, the organization sees the importance in automating its data lifecycle, as an IT Director with the organization explains: “We have used NetIQ Identity Manager for a long time to create an identity-driven workflow that includes employees, customers, and partners. However, with escalating reporting requirements, extensive data growth, and the increasing importance of data security, we felt we needed help in inventorying and analyzing our very large unstructured data stores. Our market research led us to NetIQ Data Access Governance (DAG) to support us in automating our manual processes to manage our data and the use of it. DAG’s coordinated access provisioning with Identity Manager was very helpful as all our identity-driven policies run through Active Directory so DAG could leverage this too.”

DAG is designed to gain insight into unstructured data and repositories so that policies can be applied to protect data from unauthorized access. It can provide active protection for repositories storing sensitive and high-value data, as is very relevant for this organization. It can also limit data access to only authorized users, helpful in a scenario with a transient workforce such as this company’s. DAG includes File Dynamics, equipping organizations to extend identity-based security and access management to unstructured data, the largest and often most vulnerable data segment in an organization. File Reporter, also included in DAG, provides comprehensive reporting and analysis of user access to data stored on the network file system.

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