With each new release of File Reporter, we’ve tended to introduce notable performance or feature enhancements. This week’s release of File Reporter is consistent with that tradition with both performance breakthroughs and new data analytics tools.
Micro Focus Branding
Perhaps the most visible change to the product is the complete Micro Focus branding. Installation wizards, login screens, and even the licensing site has been given a Micro Focus branding makeover.
Re-branded login screen
Dramatically Improved Performance
The introduction of a new .NET application called the Scan Processor greatly speeds up the time it takes to insert a scan into the database. Additionally, the Engine does not need to decompress scans. Both of these developments make it possible to generate more scans and reports during a given segment of time.
New Analytics Tools
In Version 2.6, we gave you a glimpse of some of the work we were doing with data analytics by providing early access to these tools through a “Technology Preview” folder on the product ISO. These applications weren’t “fully baked” but were usable and in fact, many customers loved using them, despite their 32-bit limitations.
These applications are now fully developed 64-bit applications and are included with the Client Tools. The Analytics tools include a new Dashboard, and enhanced Pivot Grid, and a Tree Map.
The real power of the Analytics tools is the ability to view file system data at various perspectives. The Dashboard lets you quickly filter and drill down through metadata to quickly give you insight on storage growth trends.
The Dashboard lets you view different perspectives of your network file system metadata through filtering and drill-down capabilities.
The Tree Map (known formerly as the “Heat Map”) lets you view graphical representations of hierarchical file system data and in the process, gain insight very quickly. The Tree Map now has drill-down capabilities for providing even more advanced insight.
Accessible through the Dashboard, the Tree Map displays a hierarchical view of data according to file extensions, owners, time.
The Pivot Grid gives you the ability to visually analyze data according to combinations of variables. You can also drill down within the data to find out more detailed information and even take any needed action within the file system, such as removing files or changing access rights.
Also accessible through the Dashboard, the Pivot Grid lets you view data according to comparative categories. In this example, the two categories are Owner and Access Time.
Other Enhancements
File Reporter 3.0 supports NSS64 volumes on OES 2015, including large volume and directory quota sizes. The product can also do direct upgrading from versions 2.5, 2.6, and 2.6.1.
You can download File Reporter 3.0 today from this location.