DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
Over the last couple of months I have been updating marketing collateral for an upcoming new release of File Dynamics. File Dynamics 6.5 is set to be released this summer and will be introducing some new security features addressing Data Access Governance requirements.
Data Access Governance is a relatively new market focused on the protection of sensitive information located in the network file system from unauthorized users. Data in the network file system is commonly referred to “unstructured data” to distinguish it from the “structured data” stored in databases.
With more than 80 percent of an organization’s data being unstructured, network file system-stored data is perhaps the most vulnerable to unauthorized access including data breaches. That’s why File Dynamics 6.5 will be addressing these vulnerabilities through some new security policies.
We’ve covered these new policies in detail with security analyst already and the response has been really favorable. Now it’s time to start talking about these new capabilities with our customers and we’ll be doing that for the first time June 11-13 at the Micro Focus Cybersecurity Summit in Dallas, Texas. Our session is entitled: “Data Access Governance: Access control for the other 80% of your data.”
The following week (June 17-20), we’ll be at the Gartner Security Summit in National Harbor, Maryland talking to more customers. If you’re planning to attend, please stop by our booth.
Micro Focus File Dynamics, File Reporter, and Identity Governance together create an integrated product approach to reporting, correcting, and certifying proper access through access reviews.
File Dynamics:
File Reporter:
Identity Governance:
Look for more Data Access Governance announcements from Micro Focus this summer.