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Reporting on specific folders

I'm having an issue where I'm trying to get a NFR duplicate file report on a specific user's home directory. I'm searching using Duplicate Files basic search method and adding the entire path to that user's home directory to the target path. It is generating a 16 page report, some of the data is correct but for others it appears to be referencing other user home directories when I click on a random file name and look at that report. When I get to the page that tells me where the file is located I am seeing a completely different user's directory than the one that I specified in the Target directory. What am I doing wrong?


File Reporter
  • 0
    On 9/16/2014 3:36 PM, marklar23 wrote:
    > I'm having an issue where I'm trying to get a NFR duplicate file report
    > on a specific user's home directory. I'm searching using Duplicate
    > Files basic search method and adding the entire path to that user's home
    > directory to the target path. It is generating a 16 page report, some
    > of the data is correct but for others it appears to be referencing other
    > user home directories when I click on a random file name and look at
    > that report. When I get to the page that tells me where the file is
    > located I am seeing a completely different user's directory than the one
    > that I specified in the Target directory. What am I doing wrong?


    Are those seemingly spurious files duplicates of files in your target
    user's home folder, by any chance?

    -- NFMS Support Team
  • 0
    On 9/16/2014 3:36 PM, marklar23 wrote:
    > I'm having an issue where I'm trying to get a NFR duplicate file report
    > on a specific user's home directory. I'm searching using Duplicate
    > Files basic search method and adding the entire path to that user's home
    > directory to the target path. It is generating a 16 page report, some
    > of the data is correct but for others it appears to be referencing other
    > user home directories when I click on a random file name and look at
    > that report. When I get to the page that tells me where the file is
    > located I am seeing a completely different user's directory than the one
    > that I specified in the Target directory. What am I doing wrong?


    Are those seemingly spurious files duplicates of files in your target
    user's home folder, by any chance?

    -- NFMS Support Team