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NFR 2.6.1 - Increasing Rights for ReportUsers

When I add users to the "ReportUsers" groups, the only item that those users appear to be able to access is the "Stored Reports" section of the NFR webportal. However, in most cases, if we want users to have access to the reports, we also want them to be able to build their own reports, and run the reports as required. We'd also ideally like them to have the ability to look at the "Folder Summary" page

Is there any way to grant the "ReportUsers" group this additional access, while still preventing them from using any of the other tabs/pages within NFR?



File Reporter
  • 0
    On 12/9/2015 1:56 PM, pattontj wrote:
    > When I add users to the "ReportUsers" groups, the only item that those
    > users appear to be able to access is the "Stored Reports" section of the
    > NFR webportal. However, in most cases, if we want users to have access
    > to the reports, we also want them to be able to build their own reports,
    > and run the reports as required. We'd also ideally like them to have
    > the ability to look at the "Folder Summary" page
    > Is there any way to grant the "ReportUsers" group this additional
    > access, while still preventing them from using any of the other
    > tabs/pages within NFR?
    > Thanks,
    > Tim


    At this time, there's no way to grant more granular permissions;
    however, that's in our feature backlog. (We don't have an ETA for that
    feature, unfortunately, but we definitely want NFR to get there!)


    -- NFMS Support Team