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Include files in NTFS Permissions Report

Hi forum,

When I create a "NTFS Permissions Report" with check "Include Inherited ACEs" I can get all permissions for all folders and subfolders from a specified path. However I need get the permissions for files too. Is there a buit-in report ? If no, how can I create a custom query report ?

I'm using 3.0 version.




File Reporter
  • 0
    On 8/22/2018 7:14 PM, calvarezr wrote:
    > Hi forum,
    > When I create a "NTFS Permissions Report" with check "Include Inherited
    > ACEs" I can get all permissions for all folders and subfolders from a
    > specified path. However I need get the permissions for files too. Is
    > there a buit-in report ? If no, how can I create a custom query report ?
    > I'm using 3.0 version.
    > Thanks,
    > Carlos.


    You can create custom reports following the steps listed in the File
    Reporter Database Schema
  • 0

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  • 0   in reply to 
    File reporter only scan's for folder permissions, it does not scan for file permissions and as such these won't be in the database.

    The custom queries are nice to work with but won't help you to get this as the data doesn't exist within the DB.

  • 0 in reply to   
    > File reporter only scan's for folder permissions, it does not scan for file permissions and as such these won't be in the database.
    > The custom queries are nice to work with but won't help you to get this as the data doesn't exist within the DB.

    Ron is correct: File Reporter does not currently scan for and collect file permissions, only folder permissions (and owner metadata, which often has security implications in Windows environments.)

    Grant Woodward
    NFMS Support Team