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ArcSight eases the pain of talent shortage with SOAR acquisition

by   in Cybersecurity

The number is staggering! According to a statistic published in the March 2020 edition of Cybercrime Magazine, “The world will have 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs by the end of 2021.” This number clearly reflects a long-held belief here at Micro Focus that “the talent war is real,” and for organizations to intelligently adapt, they need to maximize both the efficiency and effectiveness of their available resources. This talent shortage puts tremendous stress on today’s Security Operations teams, and ultimately exposes the organization to increased security risks.

Within a time-based security model, Exposure-time is equal to Detection-time plus Reaction-time, and one of the major stress points affecting most organization’s Reaction-time are inefficient processes soaking up valuable resource bandwidth and time. In an attempt to combat these inefficiencies, organizations have been increasingly turning to SOAR (Security Orchestration Automation Response) solutions in order to automate repetitive activities, and improve security analyst efficiency. SOAR capabilities are rapidly becoming an essential tool for Security Operations, and are increasingly critical for any next generation SIEM platform to provide.

ArcSight eases the pain of talent shortage with SOAR acquisition.jpgI am thrilled to share with you that Micro Focus has just acquired, Atar Labs, a long time SOAR partner with deep integrations into Micro Focus’ ArcSight SIEM platform used by thousands of organizations for threat detection.  

This follows our Interset acquisition (February 2019), which brought industry leading A.I. (Unsupervised Machine Learning) powered insider threat and nation-state attack analytics inclusive of UEBA use cases, into the ArcSight layered analytics platform.

By integrating the capabilities of the Atar Labs’ SOAR platform into the layered analytics of ArcSight, organizations can detect threats with greater speed and confidence, reduce the risk of   time consuming false alarms, focus resources sharply on the highest value activities, and improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of their reaction and responses.

Shortening time to joint value

Not only has the extensive partnership between ArcSight and Atar Labs led to an end-to-end solution for our next generation security operations platform, the in-depth knowledge significantly accelerates a much tighter integration and development of SOAR capabilities within ArcSight to further enhance user’s experience and streamline processes. This translates into better and faster response with reduced drain on resources.

Increasing value for ArcSight customers

As we move forward with our plan to incorporate SOAR as a native capability within ArcSight, ArcSight customers on active maintenance can expect to receive this added value as part of their future upgrades. For ArcSight customers using other SOAR or ITSM-based solutions, we will continue to support those integrations with those partners. We understand that ArcSight may not always be the whole solution and this is part of our commitment to remain both simple and open.  

Looking forward to a future of ‘better together’

I would like to extend a very warm welcome to our new colleagues from Atar Labs, and I am very excited about working with this high caliber team. As we progress through this new journey together, I shall provide updates to keep you posted. So, please stay tuned.


Security Operations