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AA Integrate with custom radius with access challenge response.


Would like to request about how to configure on AA for integrate with radius by custom defined authentication and have the access challenge response.

I do refer this guideline seems not successful.

The requirement is

A : User ID=User-Name

B : Define keyword <eq: "abc">
Response : Access Challenge
User to insert the received SMS OTP.


  • 0  


    Can you please explain how does this not work?

    What are the symptoms/errors you are seeing?

    Also, on what version is this?



    Luciano Testa

  • 0  


    Can you please explain how does this not work?

    What are the symptoms/errors you are seeing?

    Also, on what version is this?



    Luciano Testa

  • 0 in reply to   

    its. build: NAAF-6.4

    The flow is success but user have to enter the password.
    After NAM Login and selection of the event :

    1) Request for the password to enter:

    2) Key-in password as keyword (refer to item (B-keyword))

    3) Successfully prompt for OTP challenge question;

    PS* : Successfully login after key-in the OTP Number

    My intention is to skip task 1 & 2 by specifying with define User-Password with Keyword into the Radius Option input attributes.
    So the user would skip the input processes and only proceed with task 3 for imputing OTP number only.

    Also looking for customizing the messages. Slight smile