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Can not remove custom localization

Dear Comunity,

in Advanced Authentication version we have created custom localization in previous versions. Now We want to remove this localization and replace it with new one.

Localization settings we are trying to edit are in "Policies -> Custom Messages -> Custom locales".

When we try to remove "English" we get an error saying "No such file or directory: '/opt/AuCore/../webui/static/locale/webui.en.json'". When we clicked remove for the first time for the same locale the error was not shown, but the custom locale did not dissapear from the list and it is still being used.

I was thinking about creating new empty directory "webui.en.json", but can not find where should it be stored in. We are having multiple docker containers and do not know which to edit.

With kind regards,

Sebastian Novak

  • Verified Answer


    Hello Sebastian,

    Have you restarted the appliance from the UI on port 9443 after deleting the locale?

    I've seen this happening before and it was fixed by a reboot.



    Luciano Testa

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    Dear Luciano,

    we have tried to restart the appliance but sadly did not work.

    With kind regards,

    Sebastian Novak

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    Hello Sebastian,

    I have been able to replicate this issue. The English locale can not be deleted. I think this is by design as you can still add any other locales and use the, although it should be possible to leave this as it was initially.

    Would you be so kind please of opening a technical support ticket where I can track this and share it with Development for more clarification?



    Luciano Testa

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    Dear Luciano,

    I have opened the case. The case number is 02698245.

    Thank you for your assistance.

    With kind regards,

    Sebastian Novak

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    +1   in reply to 

    Hello Sebastian,

    Thanks for opening the ticket.

    I will send updates through this ticket from now on.

    I think we can close this thread, if you can please accept this as the answer, thank you very much.


    Luciano Testa