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Is there a release date for 6.4.3?

I have some bugs that hopefully will be corrected and was told sometime in July for the release. I'm stalling the roll out hoping the new release will correct my issues.



  • Suggested Answer


    Hello Rich,

    I think you are referring to 6.4.2, as 6.4.3 will come out later in the year.

    Right now there is no release date for 6.4.2, Development is finishing some details. We can only say it would at the end of July, beginning of August.

    We will notify our customers as soon as we have certain date.



    Luciano Testa

  • Suggested Answer


    Hello Rich,

    I think you are referring to 6.4.2, as 6.4.3 will come out later in the year.

    Right now there is no release date for 6.4.2, Development is finishing some details. We can only say it would at the end of July, beginning of August.

    We will notify our customers as soon as we have certain date.



    Luciano Testa

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    Hello Luciano,

    Yes, you are correct 6.4.2.  Thanks for quick response.  And crossing fingers it will be late July.


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    Is there any update on this release date?  There's multiple bugs, some introduced in 6.4.1/ we've been waiting for resolutions on.


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