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Installing Advanced Authentication via USB

Hi Guys, 

Is it possible to install Advanced Authentication via USB? Like booting the iso image from the usb? TIA

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    Hi Luciano, 

    Thank you from the prompt reply, the reason I ask is because someone from Microfocus said that I still need a virtualization platform and it is not possible to boot it from USB directly. So I just need to validate if this is true or not. Thanks btw, it would be very much appreciated if you can test, unfortunately I don’t have a hardware to confirm if this is possible or not.

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    Hi Luciano, 

    Thank you from the prompt reply, the reason I ask is because someone from Microfocus said that I still need a virtualization platform and it is not possible to boot it from USB directly. So I just need to validate if this is true or not. Thanks btw, it would be very much appreciated if you can test, unfortunately I don’t have a hardware to confirm if this is possible or not.
