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Installing Advanced Authentication via USB

Hi Guys, 

Is it possible to install Advanced Authentication via USB? Like booting the iso image from the usb? TIA

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    Personally I haven't tested it and I can't test it right now (not in my lab) , but I do not see why not.

    The guide says: 'Mount the Advanced Authentication installation ISO file and boot the machine.'

    So it the BIOS allows you to boot up the system from USB it should work.

    I can test this tomorrow to confirm.

    Perhaps others can also confirm.



    Luciano Testa

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    Personally I haven't tested it and I can't test it right now (not in my lab) , but I do not see why not.

    The guide says: 'Mount the Advanced Authentication installation ISO file and boot the machine.'

    So it the BIOS allows you to boot up the system from USB it should work.

    I can test this tomorrow to confirm.

    Perhaps others can also confirm.



    Luciano Testa

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