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Self-Assessment: Your Watchtower in the Security Operations Center (SOC)

The security landscape is a relentless storm. New threats erupt daily, attackers refine their tactics, and security tools constantly evolve. To stay vigilant, you need a constant stream of self-improvement. That's where self-assessment becomes your watchtower in the SOC, providing a clear view of your strengths and areas for growth.

Why Self-Assessment Matters:

  • Sharpen Your Skills: Regularly evaluate your knowledge of ArcSight and identify areas where you can deepen your expertise. Focus your training efforts for maximum impact and efficiency in utilizing ArcSight to its full potential. 
  • Embrace New Technologies: ArcSight is constantly evolving with new features and functionalities. Self-assessment ensures you're aware of the latest capabilities, keeping your SOC primed to handle emerging threats.
  • Boost Your Confidence: A strong understanding of your ArcSight proficiency empowers you to tackle security incidents with certainty. Self-assessment provides valuable data to demonstrate your expertise and advocate for further development within the SOC..

Introducing the ArcSight Technical Proficiency Assessment:

We're excited to announce the launch of the Technical Proficiency Assessment, a self-paced tool designed to propel your security operations journey and build expertise around ArcSight understanding. 

This assessment is not a test, but a valuable opportunity to:

  • Gain Insights: Identify your strengths and areas for development within the security operations domain.
  • Boost Your Confidence: Solidify your knowledge and showcase your expertise.
  • Unlock Potential: Discover new areas of interest that can strengthen your Security operations journey

The Assessment Offers:

  • Flexibility: Take it online, at your own convenience and pace.
  • No Pressure: There are no pass/fail scores, just valuable personalized feedback and recommendations for further development.
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