DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
Fix Mexico day light saving issue.
Sentinel Enterprise,Sentinel Log Manager
Sentinel 8.5.0
Sentinel 8.5.1
The following mentioned steps can be followed as a workaround to fix Mexico day light saving issue. This has to be done on all Core, CM, and CE servers.
1) Login to sentinel server as a root user and stop the sentinel services.
2) In sentinel server, go to “<sentinel_install_directory>/opt/novell/sentinel/jdk/jre/lib” location and take the backup of the existing “tzdb.dat”.
3) Now, copy the attached new “tzdb.dat” to the following location:
4) Change the file ownership of the latest “tzdb.dat” file to “novell”. Below is the sample screenshot for the same:
5) Run the following command to start the sentinel services:
URL Name