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cant installed package sentinel in rhel 8.5 python

i get error

error: Failed dependencies:
        python >= 2.6 is needed by novell-Sentineldb-RHEL-

even though I have already installed python 2.7.18 in RHEL 8, the error still same.python


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    what's the version of RHEL?Please provide the output of command: openssl version
    There's an internal discussion on this and it appears JDK version 1.8.0_362 was not bundled with Sentinel
    Please make sure you have the correction JDK version installed.

  • 0  

    what's the version of RHEL?Please provide the output of command: openssl version
    There's an internal discussion on this and it appears JDK version 1.8.0_362 was not bundled with Sentinel
    Please make sure you have the correction JDK version installed.

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