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About Agent Manager infra issue

Hi All

    Now a protential customer want to collecto windows event by using agent manager..

the device about 5 hundred , I want to use 2/3 agent central computer to provide loading.

I had see a information like below:


These agents might send events directly to the Connector (NetIQ Security Agent for UNIX) or indirectly by using Sentinel Agent Manager.


But I forgot which document it is, can someone kindly provide me with the link?

and base on this information , windows event seem send event to central computer then re-send to connector (TCP1590 on Sentinel or Collector manager) , which which resource that I need set more ?



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    The unix agent manager manages all of the UNIX agents but once the configuration is sent to the agents, at that point the agent sends the events directly to Sentinel.  The Sentinel agent manager (SAM or central computer) managers the windows agents and as you have indicated the path for the event flow is agent>SAM>Sentinel.  This link contains the UNIX documentation.

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    The unix agent manager manages all of the UNIX agents but once the configuration is sent to the agents, at that point the agent sends the events directly to Sentinel.  The Sentinel agent manager (SAM or central computer) managers the windows agents and as you have indicated the path for the event flow is agent>SAM>Sentinel.  This link contains the UNIX documentation.

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