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after online upgrade ,Appliance 9443 WebConsole disappear

Sentinel version 8.4 Appliance

Run online upgrade then it show conflict message.

then I use zypper patch to install patch. 

After online upgrade , I find the Web Console disappear(TCP9443)

I check zypper , it still keep a patch VBASE like below

Who has similar experience could provide suggest to me ??



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    Hi Wencheng,

    I suggest you log this with Micro Focus support team.

    You said you received the error with Sentinel version 8.4 Appliance. What does that mean, upgrade to 8.4, or upgrade from 8.4 to 8.5?

    You said online upgrade, so I guess 8.4 to 8.5 then?

    Today one of our partners had the same, also online upgrade, but that was Sentinel to 8.5 upgrade, while OS was SLES 12 SP3. So OS Suse upgrade, 12 SP3 to SP5.
    I suggested to them to do it in stages, so use the offline patch iso's instead. You have used them before?

    With Sentinel 8.4 appliance, was the OS on SLES 12 SP5 already? Or that was not upgraded, was it SLES 12 SP3 or SP4? It explains the conflict error. It's important you not only run, zypper -v patch, to upgrade sentinel, but zypper up, as well, for upgrading OS.

    Important note - there is a discrepancy between the readme you get from the the download site, so that accompanies the offline patch iso, and the official documentation online (

    Check this, see readme_iso.rar attached, and compare it with online docs:

    Above link mentions, so 8.4 upgrade, this command "zypper up". The attached readme that comes with the patch iso, for 8.4, there is no mention of this command. Yes zypper patch (zypper -v patch), not zypper up.

    8.3 seems ok -

    8.3 SP1 is wrong, so you have to run zypper up as well -

    8.4 is wrong, so you have to run zypper up as well -

    So readme that comes with offline patch iso for 8.3 SP1, and 8.4 should include zypper up command as well. If that zypper up, isn't run OS will not be upgraded! Verify the same for 8.5 if interested in that upgrade path as well.

    a. zypper -v patch

    b. zypper up

    Enter Y to proceed.

    c. (Conditional) Before the upgrade, if event visualization is enabled, after upgrading to Sentinel, Elasticsearch stops as it is enabled with X-Pack security plug-in, to start Elasticsearch follow the procedure in Settings in Elasticsearch for Secure Cluster Communication.

    d. rcsentinel start

    The last step is very important as well, rcsentinel start, as that will upgrade the database! This needs to be done before reboot, otherwise the upgrade is incomplete, as DB is not updated, and this cannot be done after reboot!

    So ensure you follow the upgrade path to the letter, if not done correctly, some components might not get updated correctly, for example database. So make sure you have vmware snapshot, or backup.

    Is this virtualized? Is it possible to go back to the original vmware snapshot?

    If above doesn't help log a case, and technical support will deal with it. Also we require a FULL set of sentinel logs. This will allow us to verify the upgrade process, and health of the system.

    Hope this helps...




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         It is VM...I have snapshot befor I did these offline/online update testing.


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    First of all, if Sentinel is appliance, and was upgraded correctly to 8.4, SLES would be on 12 SP5. Not as in your case SLES12 SP3. So clearly something went wrong in your upgrade procedure.

    machine:~ # rcsentinel version
    machine~ # cat /etc/SuSE-release
    SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (x86_64)
    VERSION = 12
    # This file is deprecated and will be removed in a future service pack or release.
    # Please check /etc/os-release for details about this release.

    So I suggest you go back to the original install, where things were working, and start again. And do the upgrade but in stages this time, so use the offline patch iso's instead. First go to 8.3 SP1, then 8.4, and finally you can go to 8.5, doing the manual upgrade again (offline patch iso), or online appliance upgrade.

    One of our partners had the same conflict error, also online upgrade, but that was Sentinel to 8.5 upgrade, while OS was SLES 12 SP3. So OS Suse upgrade, 12 SP3 to SP5.

    After going to 8.3 SP1, 8.4 using offline patch iso's, no such errors. Afterwards we registered the appliance online, and upgraded it that way.

    No errors whatsoever this way...

    No sure what you mean with this:
    I had tested (1) All Offline upgrade: SLES12SP5 +sentinel 8.5....

    ...but as I said the readme that comes with the offline patch iso's, for 8.3 SP1, and 8.4, is missing the command, zypper up, for updating the OS.
    Our online documentation is complete. See below again.

    Important note - there is a discrepancy between the readme you get from the the download site, so that accompanies the offline patch iso, and the official documentation online (

    Check this, see readme_iso.rar attached, and compare it with online docs:

    Above link mentions, so 8.4 upgrade, this command "zypper up". The attached readme that comes with the patch iso, for 8.4, there is no mention of this command. Yes zypper patch (zypper -v patch), not zypper up.

    8.3 readme offline patch iso, seems ok, no need for zypper up command -

    8.3 SP1 readme offline patch iso, is wrong, so you have to run zypper up as well -

    8.4 readme offline patch iso, is wrong, so you have to run zypper up as well -

    So readme that comes with offline patch iso for 8.3 SP1, and 8.4 should include zypper up command as well. If that zypper up, isn't run OS will not be upgraded!

    So follow the online documentation, steps, regarding Sentinel upgrade, and use the offline patch iso readme, for mounting iso, creating repositories, etc.

    Verify the same for 8.5 if interested in that upgrade path as well:

    So correct upgrade steps are as follows:

    a. zypper -v patch

    b. zypper up

    Enter Y to proceed.

    c. (Conditional) Before the upgrade, if event visualization is enabled, after upgrading to Sentinel, Elasticsearch stops as it is enabled with X-Pack security plug-in, to start Elasticsearch follow the procedure in Settings in Elasticsearch for Secure Cluster Communication.

    d. rcsentinel start

    The last step is very important as well, rcsentinel start, as that will upgrade the database! This needs to be done before reboot, otherwise the upgrade is incomplete, as DB is not updated, and this cannot be done after reboot!

    So ensure you follow the upgrade path to the letter, if not done correctly, some components might not get updated correctly, for example database. So make sure you have vmware snapshot, or backup.

    As I said, if above doesn't help log a case, and technical support will deal with it. Also we require a FULL set of sentinel logs. This will allow us to verify the upgrade process, and health of the system.




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       So like my issue...Whether I  only create a case to search support ?


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    Yes, you as a partner can log cases with Micro Focus technical support. You done that many times in the past. Not sure why you bring up these issues on the community platform instead.

    Anyway, it seems you posted also this:

    -> How to Use Offline Patch media

    ...where you said you downloaded the PatchCD from Sentinel 8.5 list on SLD website, but you're not sure how to use it.
    It's all explained here:

    -> Performing Offline Updates#

    Now this doesn't mean, by using the Sentinel 8.5 appliance, the offline image, it will remedy the problems you're having.
    As I said if Sentinel is appliance, and was upgraded correctly to 8.4, SLES would be on 12 SP5. But in your case it's SLES12 SP3. So clearly something went wrong in your upgrade procedure, at some time. And if you're not sure how to use offline patch iso, the only other way, is that you have used the traditional upgrade installer to get Sentinel on 8.4, while OS remained SLES12 SP3.

    So again, I suggest you go back to the original install, where things were working, and start again. And do the upgrade but in stages this time, so use the offline patch iso's instead. First go to 8.3 SP1, then 8.4, and finally you can go to 8.5, doing the manual upgrade again (offline patch iso), or online appliance upgrade.
    The steps are very much the same as what is described in 8.5, for using the offline patch media.
    But note this (I attached it to this discussion several times -> readme_iso.rar (for 8.3, 8.3 SP1, and 8.4):
    The readme that comes with offline patch iso for 8.3 SP1, and 8.4 should include zypper up command as well. If that zypper up, isn't run OS will not be upgraded!
    Only regarding the offline patch iso for 8.3, there is no need to run zypper up as well on top.

    So follow the online documentation, so the upgrade steps, regarding Sentinel upgrade, and use the offline patch iso readme (see attached), for mounting iso, creating repositories, etc.

    Obviously this applies to appliance upgrade only.

    One of our partners had the same conflict error as you, also online upgrade, but that was Sentinel to 8.5 upgrade. The OS was originally SLES 12 SP3 as well. So OS Suse upgrade, 12 SP3 to SP5. And things were not working after that.
    After going to 8.3 SP1, and 8.4 using offline patch iso's, no such errors. Afterwards we registered the appliance online, and upgraded it that way.
    No errors whatsoever this way...

    If things are still not working, log a case, and technical support will deal with it. Also we require a FULL set of sentinel logs. This will allow us to verify the exact upgrade process, and health of the system.

    If we conclude that our instructions are not followed, we will ask you to go back to the original setup where Sentinel, and OS match, and where everything was working fine. Only by doing the above steps, this environment is supported.

    I hope this explains it...

