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To download url based threat intelligence data sources using a proxy, please follow the below steps,
1. First, configure your proxy server 2. If you are accessing proxy over https, add below settings in /etc/opt/novell/sentinel/config/ https.proxyHost=<proxy host/ip> https.proxyPort=<proxy port> 3. If proxy is over http, add below settings in /etc/opt/novell/sentinel/config/ http.proxyHost=<proxy host/ip> http.proxyPort=<proxy port> 4. In file, set the value of http.nonProxyHosts to pipe separated host addresses for which you don’t want the connection to go through a proxy. This means that sentinel makes direct connection to these configured hosts rather using proxy. By default this should contain loopback, local sentinel ip, host info of any distributed targets configured, host info of slink server, host info of scm server as these should not go through a proxy. Host details can contain wildcard characters(* and multiple host info should get separated by ‘|’ http.nonProxyHosts=|<sentinelip>|<disttargetipip>|<slink server>|<scm server|<advisorserver> 5. Restart sentinel
To download url based threat intelligence data sources using a proxy, please follow the below steps,
1. First, configure your proxy server 2. If you are accessing proxy over https, add below settings in /etc/opt/novell/sentinel/config/ https.proxyHost=<proxy host/ip> https.proxyPort=<proxy port> 3. If proxy is over http, add below settings in /etc/opt/novell/sentinel/config/ http.proxyHost=<proxy host/ip> http.proxyPort=<proxy port> 4. In file, set the value of http.nonProxyHosts to pipe separated host addresses for which you don’t want the connection to go through a proxy. This means that sentinel makes direct connection to these configured hosts rather using proxy. By default this should contain loopback, local sentinel ip, host info of any distributed targets configured, host info of slink server, host info of scm server as these should not go through a proxy. Host details can contain wildcard characters(* and multiple host info should get separated by ‘|’ http.nonProxyHosts=|<sentinelip>|<disttargetipip>|<slink server>|<scm server|<advisorserver> 5. Restart sentinel