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PAM RDP Relay with MacOS Failed

Hello, I am trying to use PAM RDP Relay with a MacOS. I download the RDP and when I try to connect to the servers it gives an error 0x4. If I make a direct RDP from the Mac it works normally. Did someone have  the same issue and if there is any solution ?

-For Microsoft Remote Desktop, I am using the following Version 10.5.0 (1841)

-For PAM I am using the version 3.7



  • 0  
    Good question, I don't have a Mac myself to try it, but I think it would be best to create a service request with Support to have them track it down with Engineering just to confirm the support of RDP Relay via Mac or if there are some special flags that could be added as a potential workaround to enable it for now.
  • 0  
    Good question, I don't have a Mac myself to try it, but I think it would be best to create a service request with Support to have them track it down with Engineering just to confirm the support of RDP Relay via Mac or if there are some special flags that could be added as a potential workaround to enable it for now.
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