The pretask trigger with UserCreate will Automatically set up the OCS 2007 properties when creating a new user object. The script has logic to look at the domain name where the user is being created and set the sip address and pool appropriately. Below there are 2 domains called acme and the other is brick. Based on the domain, it sets the OCS pool property and sip address appropriately. To implement you will need to modify the lines below to reference the name of the domains in your environment and update the homeserver path to the appropriate pool string.
If InStr(LCase(strlocation),"acme") > 0 Then 'set homeserver homeserver = "CN=LC Services,CN=Microsoft,CN=LCS-BEL1,CN=Pools,CN=RTC Service,CN=Microsoft,CN=System,DC=Amce,DC=com"
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