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CG Unix Agent Install Failure

I am attempting to install a CG for Unix agent on some Ubuntu boxes
using the UNIX Agent Manager but the process failures with the following
error: Failed to change to temporary directory - /tmp/vsau.tmp

Confirmed account used has permissions and I am able to sudo as well as
create files in the directory. If I SSH in manually it works fine. Is
there an issue with the agent manager sudo'ing? No idea as the
documentation does not speak to the issue.

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    Just figured this out. Ubuntu is not supported. There is a workaround
    however. Basically you need to trick the agent into thinking the system
    is RHEL. First create a file under /etc called

    Use nano or another text tool to insert the following text:

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 4 (Tikanga)

    They key issue with getting the agent to run in Ubuntu is installed the
    ia32-libs 32-bit library. This is no longer maintained in current

    Now if you are using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or newer you will need to "pin"
    the repository packages to an older version of Ubuntu. I was working on
    12.04. To this end I created a new file under /etc/apt called
    preferences. If using version 12.04 enter the following text with nano
    or your favorite text editor:

    Package: *
    Pin: release a=precise*
    Pin-Priority: 2012

    Then run the following to upgrade apt:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

    Reboot the machine

    Then install ia32-libs:

    sudo apt-get install ia32-libs-multiarch

    Please note that you may need to install a series of dependencies first.
    The system will prompt you for these.

    Then install the agent like normal and start the agent. You should be
    all set.

    psmcgovern's Profile:
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