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CG 5.1.1 and SAU 7.6.1 are generally available

Hi everyone,

I’m pleased to announce the general availability of Change Guardian 5.1.1 and Security Agent for Unix 7.6.1.

These releases replace Oracle JDK with Azul Zulu OpenJDK, an open source alternative. This release also includes new platform support and important software fixes. Please see release notes for more information.

Useful Resources for Change Guardian 5.1.1:
• Release Notes:
• Software Requirements:
• Downloads:

We are working on improving the appliance update experience for Change Guardian. CG 5.1.1 appliance updates will be released along with these improvements on March 21, 2019. I will send out another announcement once these updates are available on the channel.

Useful Resources for Security Agent for Unix 7.6.1:
• Release Notes:
• Software Requirements:
• Downloads:

Many Thanks,
Saradha Sankarnarayanan
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    Change Guardian 5.1.1 appliance updates are available in the channel. In addition to the product updates, this release improves the appliance update experience for Change Guardian.

    If you are on Change Guardian 5.0 appliance,

    • Apply the latest OS Updates released for SLES 11 SP4 from the Change Guardian 5.0 appliance channel before upgrading to Change Guardian 5.1.
    • If you are using a secure environment, you can contact Customer Support for a copy of Offline ISO for Change Guardian 5.0 Mar 2019 Update and upgrade Instructions.
    • After applying the latest OS updates for SLES 11 SP4 from Change Guardian 5.0 appliance channel or an Offline ISO, you can follow the instructions provided in Upgrading Change Guardian Appliance from 5.0 to 5.1 section to upgrade the product to Change Guardian 5.1 and Operating System to SLES 12 SP3.

    • If you are on Change Guardian 5.1 appliance,
    • Run Change Guardian Appliance Configuration Utility to receive updates from the appliance channel. This utility can be downloaded from Customer Center or Micro Focus Downloads.
    • Refer Upgrading to Change Guardian Appliance 5.1.1 and Later section for instructions to run this utility and to upgrade Change Guardian 5.1 appliance to 5.1.1 through appliance channel.
    • If you are using a secure environment, you can contact Customer Support for a copy of Offline ISO for Change Guardian 5.1.1 and upgrade instructions.