HI All
My want to use my CG5.2 to collect my Exchange server and "will" connect NetAPP device.
But I confused the document...
1. Exchnage Prerequirement: IMPORTANT: Install SmartConnector for Change Guardian, Change Guardian Agent for Windows, and on the same machine as Microsoft Exchange.![Bug 1154797]
==> its mean that I must install SmartConnect and CGAgent on Exchange Server, Correct ?? Why it mark a Bug Number ???
2. NetAPP Prerequirement: You should install Security Agent for UNIX on a dedicated system. This ensures that reading files from the agent system does not create file read events. ![Bug 1153989]
==> Which server that "Security Agent" install ?? NetAPP device or Linux Server which connect NetAPP by using NFS ?? and CG support NetAPP's plateform / hardware link seem fail.