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Command risk


Please note I am trying to set command risk on a host, where the execution of an nslookup in CMD; I tried *nslookup*, nlsookup, *cmd.exe nslookup*, *cmd.exe-nslookup*; without succeeding.

What is the right format to specify a certain command in CMD?

Also is there a directory of the available commands?
Best regards,


  • 0  

    Keystrokes are not audited in the Windows Command Prompt as noted in documentation, which would also include the capability for Command Risk & Automatic Session Disconnect: see Privileged Access to Windows.

    For more details, please proceed to open a service request to find out more details for this and for any future plans.

  • 0  

    Keystrokes are not audited in the Windows Command Prompt as noted in documentation, which would also include the capability for Command Risk & Automatic Session Disconnect: see Privileged Access to Windows.

    For more details, please proceed to open a service request to find out more details for this and for any future plans.

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