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DB Proxy


Please note I am trying to configure Microsoft SQL Server inside PAM.

The below steps were done:

1, Created Database connector with default proxy 11521
2. Created rule inside cmdctrl for DBMSSQLAccess.

When trying to access in the SQL, I receive the attached error.

Any help is appreciated.
Best regards,



  • 0  
    It looks like the server syntax for the client there is invalid:,11521
    When I think it should look like:
    Otherwise, it would be good to verify network & port connectivity from the client to the pam manager db connector using telnet.
  • 0 in reply to   


    Thank you for your reply.

    Please note I tested both syntaxes, and same results as attached.

    As for telnet, I was able to telnet between the servers.

    Best regards,

  • 0   in reply to 
    Ah gotchya, well it does look like the syntax for specifying a non-default port is using the "," (sorry for misdirecting you there).
    I see with the latest screenshot you posted, you also updated the port from "11521" (default for Oracle) to "1433," so it'd be useful to try the comma syntax as well using that updated port "1433" :,1433
    or maybe,11433

    Please verify the db connector details configured in PAM to ensure the DB Proxy Port is correct (the default is usually 11433 in this case). Would you please also provide a screenshot if possible?

    or if DB Proxy Port is indeed "1433," then just not specifying port would be good to try as well, since it is the default client port:
  • 0 in reply to   


    I initially did the testing on port 11433 with the "," separator; then I tried the 11521.

    as for the connector setup, please find it attached.

    Best regards,



  • 0   in reply to 
    Please do go ahead and raise a Case with Support so they can help debug the issue with you and verify your DB Server info, connection string, port/network connectivity, etc.
    I was able to connect in my environment using "<pam-server>,<db-proxy-port>" (e.g. "pam-manager,11433") and it connected fine when providing it a "SQL Server Authentication" credential in the client.
  • 0   in reply to 
    Please do go ahead and raise a Case with Support so they can help debug the issue with you and verify your DB Server info, connection string, port/network connectivity, etc.
    I was able to connect in my environment using "<pam-server>,<db-proxy-port>" (e.g. "pam-manager,11433") and it connected fine when providing it a "SQL Server Authentication" credential in the client.
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