3.55pm ‐ 5pm
Speaker: Johnnie Odom, Escambia School District
We will set up a very basic containerized application from scratch with steps that you can easily replicate back home. We will show how to set up a container, place all the files in it for…
3.55pm ‐ 5pm
Presenter: Mark Diers, North Dakota University Systems
The North Dakota University Systems (NDUS) colleges and universities communicate over a statewide network and most applications in the past were housed in two in‐state datacenters…
Self Service Password Reset provides significant cost savings with 75% reduction in passwordrelated helpdesk queries, and brings autonomy and flexibility to 50,000+ users.
At a Glance
Industry Government
Location France
Challenge Introduce password…
Check out the latest case study about how PwC partnered with CyberRes to create a robust identity and Access Management solution for nearly 100 Danish Municipalities.
PwC Case Study
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Micro Focus CyberRes helps Arcor cut IT management workload by 60% with NetIQ account management automation
Arcor deploys Micro Focus NetIQ Access Manager and Privileged Account Manager to eliminate costly manual…
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Acor Choses NetIQ to reduce its workload by automating account management
With 20,000 employees worldwide, Arcor still managed system identities manually, taking over a week to activate a new employee account. See…
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Principal Consultant Engineer in the Education Industry gives Micro Focus NetIQ Access Manager ★★★★★'s on Gartner Peer Insights
Read this Gartner Peer Insights verified review of Micro Focus NetIQ Access Manager in…
Domestic appliance manufacturer, Haier Group, tightens security by enhancing control over access rights with Micro Focus Identity Manager and Access Manager
The Haier Group has tens of thousands of employees and found it a considerable challenge to…
Adelaide's Insync Solutions deploys Micro Focus identity management for SA Govt project
Micro Focus involved in EdPass, an initiative of the South Australian Government to manage identity, access and security for some 250,000 students and 30,000 staff…
Medica uses Micro Focus Identity Manager and Access Manager to manage their user base. Identity Governance automates time-consuming manual audit process, realizing substantial time savings and enhancing security and compliance.