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Shut down applications which are launched when there is no network login by using Desktop Automation Services



This cool solution explains the steps to install and configure SecureLogin to shut down the applications when there is no network login by using Desktop Automation Services.

Overview of DAS

Desktop Automation Services (DAS) is an add-on to NetIQ SecureLogin that handles unique use cases associated with shared workstations or kiosks (multiple users using the same workstation during the day).


  1. SecureLogin version 8.5 and above

  • SecureLogin installed in Directory modes


  1. Install SecureLogin with Desktop Automation Service options

  • Enable Desktop automation services in the custom setup screen

  • Enable local for the Active Directory

  • Reboot OS


  1. Configure Desktop Automation Service (DAS) to shutdown applications launched when no one is logged in:

    Sample actions.xml file:

    !-- //When there is no network login, Can restrict to few applications: // -->

    <action name="startup">
    <test-app-running application="slTray.exe">
    <run-application application="slTray.exe" parameters="" on-exit-action="restartNSL" serial="true" interval="500"/>
    <action name="restartNSL">
    <test-app-running application="slTray.exe">
    <pause interval="500"/>

    <run-application application="slTray.exe" parameters="" on-exit-action="restartNSL" serial="true" interval="500"/>
    <action name="loggedin">
    <pause interval="2000"/>

    <message-box caption="You must be logged into network" window-name="Debug"/>
    <!-- <pause interval="1000"/> -->
    <pause interval="500"/>

    <message-box caption="You must NOT be logged into network" window-name="Debug"/>
    <run-application application="slTray.exe" parameters="" on-exit-action="restartNSL" serial="true" interval="500"/>
    <action name="logoff">
    <!-- delay for NSL to successfully shutdown -->
    <!--<hide-desktop/> -->
    <message-box caption="Logoff Control l was pressed." window-name="HotKey Event"/>
    <kill-all-apps exclude-apps="calc.exe:calc.exe:Notepad.exe:devenv.exe:microsoft visual studio" LogoffMon="true"/>

    <action name="calculator">
    <run-application application="calc.exe" parameters="" serial="true" interval="100"/>
    <action name="TimeoutLock">

    <!-- It is recommended you enable the Screen saver. -->
    <action name="showdesk">
    <action name="hidedesk">
    <message-box caption="hidedesk Control H was pressed." window-name="hidedesk"/>
    <on-ad-Login action-name="loggedin"/>

    <on-hot-key modifiers="ctrl" virtual-key="l" action-name="logoff"/>
    <on-hot-key virtual-key="k" modifiers="ctrl" action-name="calculator"/>
    <on-hot-key modifiers="ctrl" virtual-key="s" action-name="showdesk"/>
    <on-hot-key modifiers="ctrl" virtual-key="h" action-name="hidedesk"/>


    NOTE: In the above actions file there is syntax called “LogoffMon= true ”, when this LogoffMon is set to true then this purpose is served.

    E.g. When there is no network login happens then the user cannot access any applications as the Logoff monitor is set to true.

  1. The above actions file can be placed under C:\Program Files\NetIQ\SecureLogin\Desktop Automation Services\actions.xml

  • Configure DAS to start on windows startup

    • Start Registry Editor, and then locate the following registry keys:


  • Create a new string value using a descriptive name, and set the value of the string to the program executable.

    Example: "DAS"=C:\Program Files\NetIQ\SecureLogin\Desktop Automation Services\ARS.exe startup

  • “Startup” is the additional parameter used in DAS to invoke a default action defined in the above actions.xml during system startup.

  • By using the above action.xml file, we can stop accessing the important applications when the user is logged in is not the Network user.

Further reference:


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