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Deploying SecureLogin scripts using slaptool

Typically the process of developing and testing SecureLogin scripts is done directly on a development user id. When the scripts are complete and tested and ready to be used by the general community they need to be copied to one, or several different objects in the supporting directory. This doc shows a sample of how to script the deployment process to make it quick and consistent.

  1. Setup and test the application script(s) in the on a development user ID. This can be a single script or any combination of script types to be deployed.

  • On the client that will be doing the deployment make sure to select “Install Directory Administration Tools” when SecureLogin is installed. This will install the command line utility slaptool.exe in the c:\program files\novell\securelogin directory.

  • Login to the workstation with the administration tools installed with an ID that has rights to all the objects that the new scripts will be deployed (and read rights to the development id).

    • If the development ID has rights it can be used to deploy the scripts

  • Use slatptool.exe to export the script from the development id object to a file.

    slaptool -spPcvle -o "cn=DevID.O=corp" export.xml

    • This command line above will read the scripts from cn=DevID.O=corp and write them to a file named export.xml

  • SecureLogin must be running on the workstation that will run slaptool.exe

  • The format of the source object will depend on how SecureLogin is installed on the workstation. This sample is using . (periods) because SecureLogin is running in NDS mode. If SecureLogin was running in ldap mode , (commas) would be used.

  • The switches after slaptool are limiting the export to scripts only. This process can be used to export other SecureLogin properties (password policies, configuration, passphrase questions, etc) with different switches. See slaptool –help for detail.

  • Make a file called target.txt with a list of target objects you wish to deploy the script.

    Sample target.txt





  • Use slaptool.exe to copy the scripts from the just created export.xml to each object in target.txt

    slaptool –spPcvl –r target.txt export.xml

  • To automate the processes with a single command create a .bat file with the export and import commands.

    Sampel copyscript.bat

    slaptool -spPcvle -o "cn=DevID.O=corp" export.xml
    slaptool –spPcvl –r target.txt export.xml


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