Access Manager to verify users AD Group membership before allowing authenication to the request application. This would be simuliar to the SAML Brokering feature in NAM which currently only supports SAML 2 Service Provider Initiated requests.
Currently SSPR appliance only supports vmware, with hyperv being deprecated.
Requesting update the appliance installer to be more virtualization tech agnostic, similar to the NetIQ Advanced Auth appliance, or build appliances for xenserver and others…
In order to stay market-relevant and encourage new/existing customers such as us to stick with SecureLogin, support should be added to both generate and store FIDO2 Passkeys.
With recent support by Microsoft, Apple and Google to bake full FIDO2 support…
Like many larger enterprises, our company has both eDirectory and Active Directory. Employee accounts exist in both with the same CN.
When Intruder lockout occurs for a variety of reasons, it might happen just within their eDir account, just their AD…
it seems that we cannot user RBA (Risk Based Authentication Methods) for WS-Trust.
Although, most of the application dont use the WS-Trust protocol. Microsoft still does.
During these cyber security times, we think we need to fortify on all possible…
right now the you can only call 1 event in NAM within the federation linc , meaning that only 1 event is presented, for all users, which have to contain all the methods you want to support , we propose optimal that the events from AA is imported, and…
With MF seperating from Suse, updates for SLES (non NAM registered components) require a SuSE subscription, which means another vendor to manage. It would be great if all the components for AM could be made available in appliance form so updates will…
Currently, the 'Local SMT' option for 'Performing an Online Update' to the SSPR Appliance only supports a SLES 11 SMT server ( Unfortunately, SLES…
Does secureLogin work in opera and safari browsers ?, We do have a potential customer and a consulting partner who is looking for enterprise sso with opera and safari browsers . Can any body help here please
SecureLogin seems to be a great tool for a simple SSO. But w/o MAC-Support we can not deploy this solution. Our executives are using MAC and they prefer applikations which are usable in both clients (MAC & Windows)
HPE Content Manager 9.1 supports ADFS (OAuth2) only for client authentication. We would like to be able to use NAM for ths but if not supported we can't. Can Micro Focus do the work to allow HPE CM to use NAM as an OAuth provider.
All of the Windows server we build now are 2016, most of them are Core, so without the GUI. This really reduces the server footprint for us. NAM only supports 2012R2 and doesn't support Core there either. OS support really needs to stay current