After installing CLE Patch Links behavior change

Hello Team & community,

After installing the patch update CLE which brings fixes for vulnerabilities. For some reason the links configured on Redirect and forwarding, behave differently.

Normally, links should open by mouse clicks. Nevertheless, it only responds if i execute a combination of Ctrl key + left mouse click. This is the only way Redirect and Forwarding urls work. Mouse clics don't open anything.

I reinstalled the package and behavior continues. Hence, i have this:

  1. If i just install CLE package or CLE_4.6_20. CLE works perfectly fine and redirect and forwarding configuration work as expected.
  2. As soon as i Install the patch CLE_4.6-patch_16, mouse clicks don't work unless i execute ctrl + left clic of the mouse.

Has anyone experienced this when installing the Patch? Why is this happening?

Beforehand, I appreciate your prompt response on this.


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