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Support for the FriendlyName attribute lost with NAM 5


NAM 4.5 SP6 added upport for the FriendlyName Attribute in SAML Assertions.

It is specified in the documentation of version 4.5:

An attribute set with a constant is usually set up when Identity Server is acting as an identity provider for a SAML or Liberty service provider. The name must match the attribute name that the service provider is using.
To configure the FriendlyName attribute, use the delimiter $$ to separate attribute name and FriendlyName.
For example, configuring the Remote attribute as urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.2$$email, urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.2 is considered as value for SAML2 Attribute Name and email is considered as value for
FriendlyName attribute.

But this paragraph has disappeared from the NAM 5.0 documentation and it doesn't seem to work. In the tests I've done it doesn't recognize the FriendlyName.

Does anyone know what happened with this option?



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