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User Matching Expressions


I'm trying to figure out how to use User Matching Expressions at a customer.

It's a setup where NAM is connected to several external IDP who all is sending a attribute containing a identification number, the attribute name is always the same and I want to match that attribute with one of two attribute in a local directory.

User has there identification number stored in workforceID or in a other attribute, no users should have both attributes set and the attributes are unique.

If I in the attribute set used in remote IDP map external attribute to workforceID it works fine for all users who have the id set in workforceID attribute but not for users using the other attribute.

My idea was to use the user matching expression, so I changed in the attribute set to map to birthday (after enabling personal profile) and I pointing to that expression in the remote IDP defintion.

Iäm using

I have a user matching expression where I have tested with both one and two attributes (using or) does not work I get this error when I try to login to NAM portal /nidp/app

"Provisioning cannot proceed as not all required data was obtained"

I understand that I probably is doing something wrong or trying to do it in a way that it wasn't supposed to work, but I can really figure out what.




Access Manager
  • 0  

    I assume you probably have gotten an answer on this by now but if not I would just open a case or this might be something professional services could help out on. 

  • 0  

    I assume you probably have gotten an answer on this by now but if not I would just open a case or this might be something professional services could help out on. 

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